Volt Mod Testing Points?


Still Fresh
I replaced the resistors on my blu and now I went from a max OC of 166mhz, to a stable 192mhz, I can do 196mhz but only for about 10 mins. What I wanted to know was, what points do I use to measure the voltage running to the CPU? I dont want to fry it, but so far so good, running at about 2hrs in 192mhz on DrMD.
sonofx51 posted on Apr 29 2005 at 04:12 AM said:
I replaced the resistors on my blu and now I went from a max OC of 166mhz, to a stable 192mhz, I can do 196mhz but only for about 10 mins. What I wanted to know was, what points do I use to measure the voltage running to the CPU? I dont want to fry it, but so far so good, running at about 2hrs in 192mhz on DrMD.

The answer to your question is in this post, its a long one but makes interesting reading.


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sonofx51 posted on Apr 29 2005 at 05:12 AM said:
I replaced the resistors on my blu and now I went from a max OC of 166mhz, to a stable 192mhz, I can do 196mhz but only for about 10 mins. What I wanted to know was, what points do I use to measure the voltage running to the CPU? I dont want to fry it, but so far so good, running at about 2hrs in 192mhz on DrMD.

If it runs fine for 2hrs at that speed, you can be nearly sure that it won`t fry your gp32.
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Maybe it wont fry it as such, but it will shorten its life. Running a CPU faster always causes it to produce more heat, which in turn causes the micro components to degrade faster. However, how much less life you'll get is debateable.