Weird I know, I want to put my Dreamcast online...


Still Fresh
Oct 4, 2008
Yeah... I wanna hook its 56k modem up to my laptop that i'm running linux on to connect it to the internet...

give me some kind of time wasting hobby that might get my tech skills up.

going to see if the dc linux thats out has a browser i can put into it that will allow me simple browsing, and some texting from my tv, and since i have no dc keyboard if it has a onscreen keyboard.

yay for me being crazy.

Something I've been really obsessed with lately is robot combat

In fact, I think that someday I will buy a beagleboard and use it as the braings and heart of a robot

I'll use the pandora to control the mess, it'll be a little overkill, but it would also be really awesome

You could try to build a robot, I guess
kysosys, beagleboard totally wouldn't be efficient, and besides, you'd have a hell of a time rigging a transmitter to it.
PoisonedV said:
kysosys, beagleboard totally wouldn't be efficient, and besides, you'd have a hell of a time rigging a transmitter to it.
I know, but it would be awesome

I could watch movies on my robot :D