Whats The Difference?

FLU = Front Lit Unit

BLU = Back Lit Unit

In other words, the FLU has a light that's in front of the screen (like the GBA SP), wheras a backlight is behind the screen (think DS)

EDIT: Beaten to it ;)
yeah, those new SP's with the much better lighting
probably makes my old gba with afterburner front lighting look like pure crap :)
Both sell like things that sell well. :) Home consoles have not amounted to much lately, but Ninty rules the handheld markets.
I gave my old GBA SP to a friend and purchased the new backlit SP... it is really nice. It has a brighter screen than my DS. Since the Gameboy Micro do not support old gameboy cartridges, I consider my GBA SP (back lit screen) as the definitive GBA version.
ZodiacfreaK said:
new backlight SP = new marketing scandal trying to save themselves after the DS disaster.

By March this year they had sold over 5 million DSes.

"disaster" :lol:
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Shit, that WiFi network might be the thing that gets me to go to McDonalds for the first time in over 5 years, seeing as I don't have WiFi in the home. I won't buy anything, but I'll go there to use their free network.

That is, assuming I can't find an unsecured wireless network in my apartment building, which I probably can. Oh well, I guess McDonald's will have to wait.