Where Is The "²" Button On The Pandora


Active Member
i want to have access to this button to have the Q3 console to add some settings to set correctly my Q3.
Dunno, but you can assign a key to the console yourself.

Open q3config.cfg in quake's \baseq3 folder and change the line that contains "toggleconsole"

bind insert_key_of_choice_here "toggleconsole"
Save it and the key should open the console then.

I just checked some pics of the keypad, it looks like [shift][4] should be the right key.
i know for the modification in the cfg but i want to know where is this key.

shift 4 is "~" key
Ah, I think I know now where the confusion comes from. Quake usually uses the key left from [1] as console key. This is [`] on the English layout, [²] on the French layout and [^] on the German layout. I checked my config and it says [`], but [^] still works so I think Quake uses the key according to the physical placement on the keyboard and not according to the actual mapping.

You should definitely change the config file to assign your own key, as the physical equivalent to [²],[^],[`] does not exist on the Pandora.