Window Managers


Oct 7, 2008
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Some have already seen it in the screenshots thread, but we can run other WMs.

I do this when booting from an SD to keep the main system on NAND clean (RECOMMENDED !!!)

In short :
Install what you need using opkg
Change .xinitrc to choose another WM

Gnome :
Install gnome-session, gnome-panel, metacity, nautilus, gnome-control-center, gnome-desktop

edit xinitrc and before the line "DEFAULT SESSION = startxfce4" put a line with "gnome-session" check post #6

When leaving gnome you will go to xfce.
Further fiddling with xfce4 could undo this, but I haven't found an option to shut down from within gnome ...

I already did the same for icewm (real low startup time and low mem usage, but needs a custom menu)
now for gnome and tomorrow with E17.

Have fun,
I'm using mounted loopback files thanks to Stuckie. I think I would need to add this to a startup script in order to be able to boot gnome, but I'm not sure.

Is there no way to just drop out of XFCE and into Gnome?

How much space does it take up? Could I fit it on a fresh NAND?

I tried making an SD card but alas, I had issues. Which method did you use for this?
An easier way is to add a new 'environment' to the environment list config file; ie: when you 'pick a gui' or 'switch gui', etc, it shows minimenu and xfce -- that list is pulled from a conf file (which says what the name is, how to start it, and how to stop it.)

I forget which conf it is offhand I'm afraid.

Edit the conf, add a environment called (say) Terminal, and have it show xterm, with no stop/start (or use killall xterm for stop.)

Then boot (as normal) to xfce or minimenu, then Switch Gui to Terminal, and screw with your WM's; once you get a working solid setup, could just create another environment that runs that, and good to go.

SomeGuy99 said:
Is there no way to just drop out of XFCE and into Gnome?

It loads gnome before xfce. xfce will only be loaded when quitting gnome.
There is another way (more than one), but first I need a way to shut down from within gnome. Then I'll test that.

SomeGuy99 said:
How much space does it take up? Could I fit it on a fresh NAND?
I don't know, maybe it can without xfce on the NAND. I have 1.2Gigs installed on my SD now (xfce, icewm, e17, gnome, browsers, other apps, ...).

SomeGuy99 said:
I tried making an SD card but alas, I had issues. Which method did you use for this?
This one :
I used the download mirror.
Put the SD in, reboot holding the right trigger, choose SD and BE PATIENT.
It doesn't have the fix for fast SD-writes, so first boot takes quite a while.

Have fun,
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Be super careful with exiting .xinitrc! If you install Openbox without a theme you will lock yourself out that way. Use the gui.conf , see
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DO NOT EDIT .xinitrc!

We prepared the system so you easily can use EVERY GUI you want.

There is a file in /etc/pandora/conf/gui.conf

At the moment, it looks like this:

XFCE4;The full desktop Environment;startxfce4;xfce4-session-logout --logout
MiniMenu;A very simple but flexible menu;startmmenu;stopmmenu

Each line is one GUI. Various parameters are there delimited with a ;

The first is the Name of the GUI (what appears when you select Switch GUI or Change Default GUI).
The second is a short description.
The third is the actual command to start the GUI.
The fourth is the actual command to stop the GUI.

So as an example, for Gnome you could make a line like that:

Gnome;The Gnome Desktop;gnome-session;gnome-session-save --kill

And include that line in GUI.conf.

Now you can select Switch GUI from XFCE4 or MiniMenu and Gnome will appear there as well.
If it is installed correctly, it will load up.

By using Switch GUI, you make sure your system will bootup even if the new GUI doesn't work.

If the new GUI works fine, you can also define it as default GUI in the startup sessions. No need to hack .xinitrc and risking to not being able to boot anymore.

The advantages of using the gui.conf are the following:

* No risk of making the system unbootable (apart from when you set it as default GUI without testing it)
* It automatically appears in Switch GUI - and that means: Every other GUI can switch to it now!
* You can easily set it as default GUI with the Startup Manager
evildrago - post this last bit as a "how to: add new desktop environment to pandora ui"; we should sticky (?) one single topic - "how to guides", link to all the various how-to's posted.

Someone with time able to do that?

skeezix said:
evildrago - post this last bit as a "how to: add new desktop environment to pandora ui"; we should sticky (?) one single topic - "how to guides", link to all the various how-to's posted.

Someone with time able to do that?


I believe Mali is already doing it in the help folder with the 'tweaks thread'.
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just installed Gnome on my Pandora :D
works quite nice
but had some issues with installing nautilus, just kept telling me it wasn't able to install it and i should "opkg update" but that didn't solve the problem
strange, but it seem to work without nautilus (btw: what is nautilus anyway?)

SomeGuy99 said:
I might offer to do it. I'm just deciding if I'm reliable enough for the job :)

Haha, you are joking, right?
Do it, you guide overlord :D
Make that thread and I sticky it immediately :)
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EvilDragon said:
DO NOT EDIT .xinitrc!

We prepared the system so you easily can use EVERY GUI you want.

There is a file in /etc/pandora/conf/gui.conf
EvilDragon, you are a god among men (I woudln't suggest that you're Pandora tho!). Or if someone else did it, you're awesome :D . I was wondering after seeing that interface on first boot on youtube if it was configurable, and also saw a video in which somebody had changed interface whilst logged on, that was awesome (I think that may have been your vid, i dunno).
Installing Openbox/Fbpanel if I ever get a Pandora :D . Batch two, wish meh luck?
EDIT: nautilus is a file manager. Since the Pandora uses XFCE, it probably uses Thunar, so if you've seen that- it's one of those. Except Nautilus is slower. But can do network shares and stuff.
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Trickyhero said:
This is great! I'll be able to use Openbox then! Preety smart having that fancy little menu. :)
Don't forget to install and setup a theme or it will end up not booting. clearlooks is loaded by default, so install it.
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