Windows XP support extended (again) for 1 more year..

No corp are going the Windows 8 road. Somes wants to skip Win 7 too. MS is just acknowleging this by extending XP support up to Windows 9 out date.
Windows XP support was extended, but only for antimalware products for Windows XP, not for Windows XP itself.
Wish I had install xp on my old lap top to connect it by wifi on dlink router ...on win7 it is imposible even if I try open network..
Doesn't matter for me, I deactivated all network related stuff in my WinXP partition as soon as I installed Linux Mint as my primary OS.

It's funny to see, how many people skipped Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. :D
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I went straight to windows 8.1 and downloaded a Windows Xp software pack to replace some of the rediculous window styles

nonono you're talking about OSX. and macbooks. cant stand those damn one button trackpads.
AIDS only ruins your life but kills you slowly. OSX and macbooks are the equivalent of black death and spanish flu. 

I don't bad mouth apple's silly products is because they have been ridiculous since the begining of time and I would not touch them with a ten foot pole; Microsoft on the other hand is trying to force radioactive wastes down my gob and he's not even washed his hands, such disrespect. I hate the fact that every new laptop comes with that blasted windows 8. 
nonono you're talking about OSX. and macbooks. cant stand those damn one button trackpads.
AIDS only ruins your life but kills you slowly. OSX and macbooks are the equivalent of black death and spanish flu.
I don't bad mouth apple's silly products is because they have been ridiculous since the begining of time and I would not touch them with a ten foot pole; Microsoft on the other hand is trying to force radioactive wastes down my gob and he's not even washed his hands, such disrespect. I hate the fact that every new laptop comes with that blasted windows 8.
get smart menu 8 it turns into a vista.
