Wiz-Fishfillets : Fish Fillets Next Generation For Wiz


Certified Guru
Apr 5, 2007

Hi all,

Fish Fillets Next Generation is a puzzle game written by Ivo Danihelka. The goal in every of the seventy levels is always the same: find a safe way out. For more details please see http://fillets.sourceforge.net/.

Here is a port of this smashing game to Wiz !

Sources are included, and this package is under the GNU public licence, read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.

Binary version & source code :
on my blog !


Awesome port, thanks! Having trouble mirroring it at the moment, but hopefully will make some progress soon.
Ah, well that'll do then!

News posted here. :)

EDIT: Oh, and I hope you'll port to Caanoo sometime!
if i get a caanoo (for xmas or easter :D) and when their SDK would be available. (for the moment it's only distributed as a beta to a very few people).
hi zx-81 :)
I have buildt my GP2X version (thanks to your wiz sources ;) ) but i have some trouble playing.
I have an F200 and the option on main menu is not selectable if you don't have a touch ( on my firm 4.1.1 i have to enable first the notaz patch to work).
also if i press EXIT or Select button the game crash so i do power off my console.
For the rest the game is slow and also the font is not very readable in some room ...maybe for the game resolution at 640*480.
I know that these bugs is not your fault ..but i already want to know you.

I'm try to reconvert all the grafix to 320*240 resolution if have time...

I'm courious to know how the game run on Wiz..

Anyway thank a lot for your work. B)

P.s. im sorry for a little OFF Topic !!
I told you that it would be slow ... For the startup screen you need to modify the game to emulate the mouse using pad. Images are pretty small, and the text is not really readable (as i told you). It's also the case on the wiz. On wiz the game is running fine since the CPU is much more powerful than gp2x.
ZX, is there any way to change the color of the text? Specifically, the light brown colored text. Since most of the background is brown it just blends in. Maybe just black would be better? Also, when you quit the game it doesn't exit back to the main menu, you have to reboot the device. Awsome game though, very challenging! Thanks