Yiks Gp2x Dead?


Still Fresh
Jan 7, 2006

Just got my gp2x 2 days ago. was working fine at first. Then I used the MAME emulator and it crashed. swtiched-off and on again. But got nothing but some colored verticals lines on the screen. Not working at all now. removed SD card, batteries, no help. No longer starts up.

It would appear it's dead! how can that happen. Is there anything I can do??


Yep - happened to me too - get new batteries or if in UK search for my meassage on the Argos £7.99 Masterplug adaptor.

It will reboot after 1 or 2 tries after a crash sometimes.
expect the provided batteries to last about 30 - 45 minutes. After then your expected to purchase your own. I got mine from the local market - 50p for 2, and they last a couple of hours.
Thanks guys that's all it was.

popped in a couple of high powered panasonic batteries and away I went. Seems the lower power battery light is not working too well...or maybe there was not enough power to light it :-)
There's a battery meter in settings that should tell you how much you have left in your batteries.