Zelda: Mystery Of Solarus Xd


homebrew player (P. & C.)
Sep 9, 2008
Hi gang,

Here is Zelda Solarus XD. It a small fan made zelda game that make fun of the others zelda's fan games. The game was only available in French but BAFelton and KageNoSensei from the french caanoo community have transslate it for you. FreddyBoubil did the title bar for the caanoo menu.

Known bugs :
- there is no splash
- sound and music volume in the config does work
- level 1 is still slow sometime...

and there might be some more.

[ Download ] - [ Website ] - [ Dev thread ]
I add this game is a parody of another project Zelda Solarus DX and well known movies.

In the french thread, there s a link to the language files if some part of the english translation need to be improved. But you can post here so we can fix this ;)

To access your status, map and options in game : from the equipment menu go left or right like in the video.
Ok, for the most part the game plays without problems. It can be a bit difficult to walk through doors or up stairs because you have to be lined up perfectly and the analog stick doesn't like to cooperate sometimes. I did find a weird bug in the dark cave with the thin paths that you have to navigate. The area where you have to move the pyramid formation of statues to get to the item, I started moving them and I became stuck to one and couldn't do anything except pull it to the edge and fall off until I died.

There's some minor slowdowns and graphical glitches like when you swing the sword, Link kind of blinks off and on. I havn't noticed anything else yet.

Thanks again guys!
I thought the bug of the cave was fixed, it seems it isn't ^^

Also if you fall in a hole you may be forced to relaunch the game cause Link doesn't appear anymore.

About controls you can pass doors or go up stairs with the diagonals of the dpad. It's something to fix too.
Updated download link.
Changes :
- updated translation
- updated banner
- added Volume support

On a side note, putting music level to 0 actually disable it. You'll then gain a speed boost fixing 99% of the remaining issues...
Until ED approve the update, here is the lastest.
Changes :
- updated to 1.3
- performances impovement (on my idea, but coded by Chritopho) which allow fullspeed game even with music on
- the launch script disable the io-sync for the game to boost SDcard read speed.