About The Gp32eu.com Video


Jul 22, 2003
Norrköping, Sweden
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In the video you see a almost only white GP32...
I hope the BLU will look like it because it's a beauty! :)
Buttons and everything is white and it says GP32 and not gamepark.
Much nicer!

Will the GP32 BLU look like this or is that just a special one?
Also there is good news about fgen for GP32 on gp32news! :D
FGEN ExSISt ! (...Well... Soon !)

Sorry for the baaaaad word-twist, but it's for good news !

As report by ANARCHY on GP32Spain, a public release of Fgen32 by Rlyeh and Robbrown is going to hit us in the next few days ! And be prepared for a bunch of great stuff !

-Sonic 1 playable WITH SOUND at 133 Mhz (the auto frameskip only vary a few) and just perfectly at 166 Mhz
-As says up here, sound !
-Saves !
-Great compatibility !
-And more...

Rlyeh just hope to implement the core asm for Z80 by reesy this week and want to adjust several others things before the release, "which going to eat all" as he says !
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"Shame they cant mention emulation tho... that would tempt alot of people " maybe because it's not legal
That video is really sweet B)

It makes me want to buy a GP32 all over again
"Shame they cant mention emulation tho... that would tempt alot of people " maybe because it's not legal
I think you`ll find your wrong - nothing illegal with emulation. its only illegal if your dont own the original carts your playing with. Which of course we all do :D
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maybe it's a country's problem too. In USA, to have an Nintendo Emu is now not legal ^^
yeah nintendo are money hungry fiends :p Yep the video looked cool, I'm happy I own a gp32_console ;)