Hardware Muted audio


Advanced Member
Jan 5, 2008
I have a bit of a weird issue. My Pandora's speakers stopped working a little while ago, but the headphone jack continued to work. Then the speakers randomly worked for a day, and then stopped again. Then the headphone jack stopped working as well.

As it turns out, they both still work, but just play at so low of a level, it sounds like they are completely off unless you listen very close with the volume at max. It sounds sort of like the "mute" option on some amps, that simply stifles the sound rather than cut it off completely.

I'm thinking that the timing of things working not working was coincidence, and the amplifier is blown/failty.

Any ideas of how to diagnose this?
I once had that, and after reflashing the muting was gone. (I really tried a lot to get it working again, so I though I lost audio)

Also, keep in mind the speaker audio goes through that flimsy rolled cable that also gets purple screen of death
Sounds to me like a problem with the volume wheel or some kind of internal short?

I thought it might be the wheel, but since the wheel still increases/decreases volume in a consisted manner (just with a super low maximum) I suspect it is something else.

I once had that, and after reflashing the muting was gone. (I really tried a lot to get it working again, so I though I lost audio)

Also, keep in mind the speaker audio goes through that flimsy rolled cable that also gets purple screen of death

I will try reflashing. Thanks for the suggestion. I thought it was the LCD/speaker cable when it seemed to be only the speakers failing, but now that the headphone jack suffers from the same problem, am more suspicious of the amp that feeds to both the speakers and the headphone jack.
[doublepost=1474060556,1474054851][/doublepost]@FBnil : Ding ding! Reflash fixed it. Thanks!

I must have been booting from an SD OS when the sound happened to work.