Ok, since I wasn't able to get the newest GCC working with the GP32SDK (thanks for your help Mithris - after copying I got unrecognized options from the compiler) I thought it would be better to install the devkit under Linux, so this could be helpful for some of you.
I am using SuSE 8.0 and installed the RPM packet from the DVD which installs the devkit under /opt/devkitadv. Because I was interested in FrodoGP which expects the devkit in /usr/local I made a link with 'ln -s /opt/devkitadv /usr/local/devkitadv'.
After you installed the devkit you have to patch it for the GP32 with CHNs patch. You can download it from
http://chn.roarvgm.com/#gp32 (file devkitadv-gp32-v002b.rar).
Now you have to extract it into your devkit directory, so change to /opt or /usr/local and type 'unrar x devkitadv-gp32-v002b.rar' and answer with 'A' to overwrite all files.
Well... thats all. You can now test the compiler with the 'gptest' program from CHNs website, but don't forget to set the right path for the devkitadv in the makefile (export CCBASE=/usr/local/devkitadv). After you type 'make' you should get the 'gptest.gxb' file, which you can use with GeePee32 or your GP32
I hope that this can help some people working under Linux which are not so experienced with the GCC compiler (like me