Perfect Snes For Gp2x

Yeah, i actually played all the way through Crono Trigger on NLKsnes i believe... it was fairly slow on my 486, but playable. Those were the days :)
Back in the day I played my real snes using an old commodore 64 monitor hooked up to a vcr output with the snes going in to the vcr's input... A lot of hassle but for the crisp image I got off the computer monitor it was worth it.
Back in the day I played my real snes using an old commodore 64 monitor hooked up to a vcr output with the snes going in to the vcr's input... A lot of hassle but for the crisp image I got off the computer monitor it was worth it.

Composite or RF on a C64 monitor? That wasn't crisp. What was crisp was when I had my SNES connected to an Amiga monitor with a custom RGB cable, THAT was crisp.
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Back in the day I played my real snes using an old commodore 64 monitor hooked up to a vcr output with the snes going in to the vcr's input... A lot of hassle but for the crisp image I got off the computer monitor it was worth it.

Composite or RF on a C64 monitor? That wasn't crisp. What was crisp was when I had my SNES connected to an Amiga monitor with a custom RGB cable, THAT was crisp.


Crisp is seeing the TI-99/4A running in M.E.S.S. on the GP2X! I use to have to connect a crappy rf adapter to our old-ass 13" barely-color TV ... ah the 'good' old days :lol:
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