A question for Axeman concerning GPEngine 0.5


Still Fresh
Jun 27, 2003
Dallas, TX (United States)
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I noticed that you have tried out version 0.5 of GPEngine. I was wondering if you would share with the rest of us just what is new in this version of the emulator? I noticed you stated that it can now be networked, that's very cool! What else can you tell us about it?


Well... to be honest, not that much! I know it's limited at the moment to 133Mhz, to stop people killing their GPs (even though it says you can change the speed on the menu screen). Ummm - I haven;t had a chance to try it out that much apart from that. The RF play is great though! That's the biggest improvement. Will try and find out what is new (only got the fxe from black, and no readme!).
save states are nice, but they kind of ruin the rhythm of the original games that weren't designed with their use in mind. (though I'll still use them when i can, of course!)

axeman, have you tried blazing lazers on it yet? (famously corrupts in the current version of GPE, a couple of minutes in..)
I liked the old GPEngine, haven't tried the new one yet, but I found that a lot of the PDroms with it are crap, so I haven't really tried it out to it's limits yet. ;)
I know one of the best shootem-up (or best imo ) on the pc-engine...

The Japanese version "Gunhed" unfortunately also corrupts in exactly the same place :(
if you guys like this you MUST play "super aleste/space megaforce" (jap/USA names) for SNES - it's the next progression of the series, and it's about 900 times more fun. works pretty good on zj's snesemu if I recall (button setup's a little dinky though). probably my favorite SNES game!
ralp99 posted on Aug 27 2003 said:
if you guys like this you MUST play "super aleste/space megaforce" (jap/USA names) for SNES - it's the next progression of the series, and it's about 900 times more fun.
so true!

a classic game in every sense of the word - graphically and sonically it's still impressive even today for a 2D shoot em up

alongside Thunderforce 3 on the Megadrive/Genesis, THIS alongside is one of my favourite shoot em ups of all time

*dreams of being able to play it at a decent speed with sound on the GP32 one day*
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