Gp32 On Gp2x

BradN posted on Jul 22 2006 at 08:54 AM said:
- Need to emulate video, which I believe uses a different memory arrangement, so a simple MMU setting wouldn't be enough - if emulating individual writes is too ineffecient (which it will be), it may be worth it to have the game update a GP32 style buffer, which the 940 translates to a GP2X buffer each frame.

Yup... The framebuffer should be 90 degrees off on the GP32, which would be a completely different arrangement.
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I don't think it can, but maybe one of the devs who's worked with the graphics accelerator can say if it has a built in image rotate function?
EvilDragon posted on Jul 22 2006 at 02:50 AM said:
Winterkid posted on Jul 22 2006 at 02:55 AM said:
- How to select GP32 firmware to use

You don't need a firmware.
When a game is run, the firmware is mostly gone (there is no multitasking on GP32), so it would be enough to start the actual fxe.
The gp32 firmware is half bios and half menu. The menu code disappears when an fxe is loaded, but the bios is still there and is certainly needed.
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And that's propably proprietary GP... Any bets, whether they will release it for their competitor? ;)

Though, proprietary bios never stops us from emulating, just makes it a bit harder.
If nearly everything uses the BIOS to access the SMC, it may be easier to create a modified BIOS that uses a simpler interface to access the storage, so it could be a good thing. It might even allow accessing larger storage volumes (or even use the GP2X filesystem natively), which is one of the big limitations of the system.

Also, a couple odd programs may use the MMU (probably only the linux port to the GP32), chances are this won't get emulated, or at least not suffeciently for linux. Emulating simple memory remapping might not be too difficult if there's demand for it.