The C64 LIVES!!


Bass Invader
Nov 1, 2003
Brighton UK
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I just found out that wierd people have actually been writing games for the c64 over the last few years..

These ones run great using gpfrodo:

Millennium Assault - starwars shootemup
Metal Warrior 1,2,3&4 - adventure/platform hybrid
CyberWing - vertical shooter
BOFH: Servers Under Siege - Really cool top down CS type game
Reaxion - original puzzle game

Well worth a look but don't expect graphical wonders - we're still talking c64 here!!

Most can be got from Lemon64 legally

metal warrior 4 - imho - is the very best game for the c=64.. and it's recent, free and homebrew... works on frodo with true drive emulation on
people still write stuff for all sorts of ancient systems...
the last couple years, there's been (noncommercial) releases for NES, Sega CD, Atari Lynx, even Vectrex + Atari 2600.. well I mean you have to pay for some of it, but it's all fan stuff really.

strange but definitely very cool..!
I'm amazed.. really happy to see there's still stuff goin on

Hey magicknight - I saw you on the forums at lemon64, did you ever get your boxed copy of MW4? ;)
sheee-it, nearly missed that ! i think there's 1 left so hopefully i've got that cornered.. grr at not going to that forum for a while..
I havent tried any of those games yet. You should also take a look at Frank Gaskings excellent 'Games That Werent' site for some rare unreleased stuff - All with the original programmers permission!
hey LeeT, that is a great site- loads of interesting stuff was in development when the c64 was at the end of it's days... if only manfred trenz did more... legend!

and I gave Metal Warrior 4 a go, loads fine if you disable the turbo loader during load time- but can't get the controls working properly- seems that jump has to be diagonal up and left or right, not just 'up'- so can't remap up to a button and the diagonals on my d-pad are shite..