Why Have We Not Yet Had A Proper Mame Port?


Tales From The Big Room
Jan 1, 2004
Essex, England
Visit site
I'm sure there's some perfectly valid reason...
...But come on, the source code is available, why have we not had attempts to bring this to GP32?
I havent heard of any recent communication with Rlyeh but at the very least a visit to his site reveals no update saying he's stopped working on it so maybe it will be finished eventually.

Though I think if the Euro release happens it'd be nice to hear some info from him on the state of it so that we have something to tell the huge influx of newbies...
I played the mame port at the british meet-up, it was in a reasonably good state. Good enough to the point where it is unlikely to be abandoned as too much work seems to have gone into it already.

He might be busy or it just might need very labour intensive optimisations, which is something nobody wants to devote free time to.
he's been quite since the end of last year, at which point he was releasing TONS of stuff left and right (fGen, fGB, fMSX update, fCOL, etc etc)... reasonable ot think he perhaps got a little burned out, on top of that I think he may be fiddling with Zodiac right now from what was said elsewhere on the boards.

that's cool, the GP32 scene is always ebb and flow. Quiet for months, then tons of big projects seem to come out at once, hopefully the cycle will repeat.

MAME has been particularly interesting as it's been nearly 1 year since tons of pics were first shown with the promise of "coming soon to a GP32 near you.." and other than the sporadic piece of info, all's been quiet.. all you can do is hope that it rears it's head sooner or later, in some form. that would be cool! meantime, best not to bitch about it much (though there's been no bitching in this thread yet...)
Actually ryleh is working off a list of games that people wanted to be supported in his fmame.

Remember that question about what games u wanted to work between a certain date? well he is porting all of them for everyone

And porting mame isnt so easy each hardware has a different source wso making space invaders work mean u must port all the 8080 hardware then another game might run on different hardware so he has to port that

it's not just 1 file which runs every game it's not so easy to port so dont be quick to throw in the towel he is trying to get ever game every1 asked for working
