I Need To Play Red Alert On Xp...

isnt there an option in XP that allows it to open programs as if its running a different version of windows ie. 98, 95, 3.1 ?

haven't used it for a long time so i couldn't tell you where it is.
Right Click shortcut to exe->Properties->Compatibility->Check "Run this program in compatibility mode for:"->Select the Win version you want->OK

Then it should work :)
I happen to be S-Mod on a C&C-Board, so here's a working solution:


As I suppose you don't speak German, I'll just translate what Sven says:

To install the game, just change the compatibility of the Setup.exe
After you have installed it, you can get the XP Patch here: ftp://ftp.westwood.com/pub/ccgold/CCGOLDXPPATCH.ZIP

Now if you have exchanged the THIPX32.dll with the one you can download under the link above, just start RA95.exe and it should run ;) If you have any more problems, I'd be delighted to post your problem over at CNCForen.de, it's the biggest C&C-Forum in existance - you could even post yourself if you can get through the registration process, nearly everyone there speaks english too ;)