Recent content by scyzor

  1. scyzor

    Android 2.1 On N900.

    More on the NITDroid site: So it will be possible to have Android on Pandora?
  2. scyzor

    Amiga Fans?how Many People Own Amiga.pandora Emulation Will Be Cool.

    I was using AsmONE (two 64k intros and one, never released to the public, demo) but after 2 years switched to Amos and Blitz BASIC (was too much faster to code funzines). After I started tech univ I wasn't able to get anything to work on miggy, so I decided to sell my A500 and to get PeCe :\...
  3. scyzor

    International Gbax Orders

    Sounds good, but personally I have bad experience with customs :\
  4. scyzor

    International Gbax Orders

    Bump, after moving an assembly line to UK :\
  5. scyzor

    Shipping To End User?

    I was thinking that OP Team will have the assembly line in US (different country then the Pandora was sold aka country of origin at customs papers) to avoid any custom duties between North America and UE. Now it will make extra 20-25% of value. IMO a lot of people will cancel their orders :\
  6. scyzor

    Shipping To End User?

    So after moving an assembly line to UK how OP Team is going to handle any custom duties when ships to US? Before was easy - bought in UE/UK but will ship from US. Now it will come as bought in UE/UK and ships from UE, also the Pandora is worth more then $150 so we have 90% to get custom duties...
  7. scyzor

    Amiga Fans?how Many People Own Amiga.pandora Emulation Will Be Cool.

    I still have A500 (overclocked) and 3x A1200 (two for sale :P)
  8. scyzor

    Painting Homebrew For Pandora

    What about grafx2? I was using it long time ago on DOS :] It is almost like "pixeling" in DPaint ;)
  9. scyzor

    Out Of Curiosity...

    35 and Pandora will be my pocket Miggy (I have A1200 + A500 :) )
  10. scyzor

    Estimate Position

    I'm the last one :\
  11. scyzor

    Here Is What Will Be Happening.

    True. If they have unlimited fixes in the agreement I can bet they have a sentence which is saying "but limited to the process".
  12. scyzor

    Here Is What Will Be Happening.

    Big mistake was made giving that job to be done in China. I know few companies in Poland and Lithuania where they can do that fast and good enough, and I can bet not much expensive from Chinese.
  13. scyzor

    Here Is What Will Be Happening.

    So when all the rest of cases will be done?
  14. scyzor

    All Good Things...

    MWeston needs to call UPS to keep a package at the hub then drive to them and pick it directly from the hub. Then check it and call China to give a green light. Other way he will get a package around 3-4pm what is means past due for the green light (will be the 9th in China).
  15. scyzor

    The Second Batch Info Thread

    But imagine when something will slip more then is now. 3800 + 4000 upset customers :unsure: