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  1. D

    Does Gp2X Joystick Work Well

    hi i wanted to know if the gp2x f100 joystick is any good as i want to play sensible soccer and street fighter2 and playing on my gp2x f200 is no good. does the joystick last long time durability it won't break. secondly uae4allgp2x0.7.2, can u change the button as my fingers hurt when i use...
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    Does Gp2X F100 Joystick Work Well

    hi i wanted to know if the gp2x f100 joystick is any good as i want to play sensible soccer and street fighter2 and playing on my gp2x f200 is no good. does the joystick last long time durability it won't break. secondly uae4allgp2x0.7.2, can u change the button as my fingers hurt when i use...
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    How To Play Emulator On Ds

    hi, i want to play emulator on the DS but don't what i need. i did look at the net for information but couldn't anything. please can someone list what i need, like what emulator, what card i can use and any file i need. roms i already have so thats ok. i have a gp2x but this if for my niece as...
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    Snes Rom Problem

    hi i'm playing robocop vs termintor on the snes squidgesnes emulator. problem i'm getting is it keeps flickering/ blinking on/off i tried changing configuration like with transperancy and increasing cpu. but no help. the roms fine bacause i played it on the pc emulator and it works fine also...
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    Gp2Xengine Problem

    hi i download GP2Xengine (PC engine) for my gp2x. i put the roms directory for it and then put the roms in it. But when i play it it say no rom list. i read the readme file and tried many things but nothing works. i tried - roms/pcengine - just roms/ any help to make it work. thanks.
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    Laptop Charger/plug

    hi i had my laptop repaired and the guy gave me different plug/charger. i wanted to know if this charger will cause problem for the laptop or will it be fine. laptop - RM 4150 - model: El81 - rating: 19V - 3.95A charger/plug - 20V - 3.25A(output) thanks.
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    Laptop For 2d Games

    hi, i want to buy a new laptop budget £250-400. use it to play retro games 2D, use internet and watch movies. i want a laptop which has good screen quality, bright and vibrant and about 17" screen. any ideas.
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    Emulator Udate

    hi, i wanted to know if emulators on the GP2x are still being updated or have they stoped doing that and moved onto pandora. i checked for updates for various emu and no updates. thanks
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    Rechargeable Batteries

    Hi, power consumption. I just wanted to know how much electricity is consumed when charging rechargeable batteies. my adapter/plug says 240v and 0.3a. but back of my battery charger say Input DC 12v - 700ma. which one do i use to calculate enery consumption. thanks.
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    hi, i have a small 2kw fan heatet and i'm thinking of buying a 2kw convector or oil heater. now is electricity consumed or bill the same for both small fan/heater and large convector. as i'm thinking i'll get more out of the big heater with the same 2kw. also second point. if the convector...
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    Master System Screen

    i use Alexkidd2x on GP2x to play master system games. even though it play ok the screen i'm not entirely happy with. when i do full-screen it looks alittle bit blockly. is there any way around this, other than playing it at a smaller screen-size. any other emulator available or solution. same...
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    Gp2x Battery Issues

    hi, I need some help. i got battreies uniross AA 2500mah for gp2x f200. the battery just last for 2hrs or less. now is this the normal time it should last or do you get alot more like 5-6hrs. i need to know as the batteries may be fake, brought it from ebay. what is the normal time it last...
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    Help Saving Account

    hi, anyone can help me out. newbie. if u open a saving acount with 5% AER over a year and put £3000 into account. do you get interest for the end of the year £150. is there anyway u can make that amount in a month with the same rate or no service provide that. any help.
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    Mobile Phones

    hi, i want help with mobile phone. i'm new to it, so can u help with some question. - pay as u go, when buying a sim card does it have a network with it that i'm going have to buy top up with. or any sim card will do. - what are the rates, for t-mobiles. i live in london-uk. so answer relating...
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    Mame Problems

    hi i'm trying to work mame gp2x but i keep getting message Unable to open ROM Error reading ROMs Unable to initialize machine emulation LOAD FAILED i tried arabian, tmnt and 1942(World), 1942 worked at later tries, same ffight. i tried clrmame and no good. two things i need to clear up-...
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    hi, can someone explain this in detail as i have looked it up and haven't received clear answer. basically does overcloocking harm gp2x f200. if yes what way. what would be reccommed overclocking, i.e 220, 240 or 260 which will lessen damage. ngeo requires alot of overlclocking. is it safe to...
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    hi, i tried getting the roms to be located in squidgesnes but nothing seems to work. i put the roms in the same directory zip/unzip as gpe and skin and also at the root of the sd card dir. But nothing comes up. any help will be appreciated. thanks.