Search results

  1. J

    Global Components did it again :)

    I think retro games are like a good wine: They 're getting better each year i wait for the bottle opener ;)
  2. J

    1GHz units, Classic units, repairs and TV-Out Cables (2012-08-24)

    Feel the progress: IMO its time for a status update on the pandora homepage, thanks.
  3. J

    ... and production still is reliable and moving forward :) (2012-05-11)

    Please update the numbers on the homepage on the 1st of July. Cause seeing progress makes the waiting easier.
  4. J

    Release Hopefully my entry: CPUVextor, a clone of escapeVektor

    The problem is I just have realised that the game principle isn't very entertaining. First I was impressed from the original game as it presents nice retro 3d graphics which mine does not provide. Only the combination of these kind of graphics and the game principle might make it interesting. To...
  5. J

    Release Hopefully my entry: CPUVextor, a clone of escapeVektor

    No decision yet. Will also wait for the competition's result. Please unterstand that I don't want to make a game that only a few people really like.
  6. J

    Release Hopefully my entry: CPUVextor, a clone of escapeVektor

    Hello and thanks for the further feedback. foxblock, the crash you got everyone would get when at this point. The game tries to read more level data but there's no more available because I just stopped to make more levels. Since a few days the update is in the repo! Yes, you're absolutely...
  7. J

    Rebirth Competition Release Thread

    Ok, but please let us know: why does the voting start a whole week later than pronounced?
  8. J

    Release Hopefully my entry: CPUVextor, a clone of escapeVektor

    Ok, here's an easter update. Things that have changed: * Animated background * Save games are working * Basic speed slightly increased * Boost speed for every level * Better animation of summary screen * Pandora action buttons mapped Still to do: * More and better levels (would...
  9. J

    Release Hopefully my entry: CPUVextor, a clone of escapeVektor

    At easter I'll begin to make an update. Then the key mapping will be changed. To continue a game isn't possible at the moment, will also come with the update.
  10. J

    Release Hopefully my entry: CPUVextor, a clone of escapeVektor

    Would be worth a try. I mostly prefer chip music in module sound format because it's so small and wouldn't blow up the filesize ten times. is a great source but I don't know how about the licences...
  11. J

    Release Hopefully my entry: CPUVextor, a clone of escapeVektor

    Thank you very much for the nice comments, guys. Good you don't see the code, it's not that nice built because I made all this in a hurry ;) Yes, the initial/basic speed should be really faster, that's my opinion too. Vexktor has a boost feature where it speeds up when you double hit the key...
  12. J

    Release Hopefully my entry: CPUVextor, a clone of escapeVektor

    Hello, I just thrown in my very unfinished game. Now here are some screenshots. You'll have to decide if you like it. If there's enough positive feedback after release, I'll possibly finish it.
  13. J

    Pandora Rebirth Competition Rules

    Just to be sure, what does this exactly mean? Is the deadline at midnight to the 31st or do we have the whole 31st till midnight?
  14. J

    Release Hopefully my entry: CPUVextor, a clone of escapeVektor

    Not yet. But this one gives a good impression of the game's principle and style.
  15. J

    Release Hopefully my entry: CPUVextor, a clone of escapeVektor

    Hello guys, cannot tell for sure if I can manage to have ready in time a playable version of my game CPUVextor, a simple clone of escapeVektor from Nnooo. I love the concept of the game so I decided to make my own version of it. Unfortunately the idea came very late so I started to write the...
  16. J

    Full Speed Nes Emu With Scaling Options?

    I also look for a perfect NES emulator for the Pandora. So far there's no one IMO. With perfect I do not only mean full speed and high compatibility, also hardware scaling and perfect vsync. The latter I really miss.
  17. J

    Steht die Produktion?

    Ich spiele auch mit dem Gedanken mir eine Premium zu gönnen. Immerhin kommt ja bei euch überhapt kein geld rein, da alle p&|a schon vorher bezahlt wurden. Wenn jetzt Sachen dazugekauft und ausgebessert werden müssen, woher nehmt ihr denn dann das ganze geld? Ist schon verständlich dass es da...
  18. J

    Anzahl Premium / Rest Batch 2 / Preis Batch 3

    p&|a p&|a p&|a Ich wuerde gerne was Coden fuer die Pandora. Muss am Dienstag meine Bachelorarbeit abgeben, dann bin ich erstmal arbetisloser Informatiker. Wie soll ich denn was fuer die pandora proggen wenn ich sie nicht da hab? Klar Crosscompilen aber wo testen? Was mich ein bisschen...
  19. J

    Flash Player On Pandora

    I got a plugin from here. Then I copied this file to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins and renamed the 51k file to _libswfdecmozilla.so_ and it was done. Now I use the latest Firefox version. Ok, then I tried the game already with the TI plugin and there's no need anyone else does...