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  1. S

    DragonBox OpenSource Coding Competition - Rules (DRAFT!)

    God forgive, you cannot be serious.
  2. S

    DragonBox OpenSource Coding Competition - Rules (DRAFT!)

    Since we have a few topics about this competition already, why not open a separate section like for the rebirth?
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    Emails to remaining preorders.

    super openpandora 2.0, srsly? No word of excuse? No word on what will happen to those who do not pay again? That's it then, I won't buy a pandora 2 if you are involved in any way, craig. I am truly sorry for ED that he has to work with you...
  4. S

    Got It!!!

    This is the kind of thread I miss lately. Have much fun with you pandora! I'm currently playing Heart of Darkness (PS) and I highly recommend it ;)
  5. S offline?

    If there is modding then it has to be modifying the pxml as well and only if the dev allows it. ...and it is so hilarious to see how Craig is always right and everyone else is wrong. You get a pretty got impression how little he knows about the pandora and its community by reading his posts in...
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    Release KAMI RETRO [update/fix] commercial release

    But people do buy other games without DRM... But that is too obvious, isn't it?
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    New Coding Competition with 1Ghz Pandora Prize ?

    I can only repeat what I said earlier in terms of an "open" competition: Do not throw emulators, ports, apps and new games into one pot. It just doesn't work out just. Do only allow entries that can be considered "done" in some way. Without intending to attack the devs who spend their free...
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    Experiment: Improving the keyboard quality, based on technique used in HP 200LX keyboard

    Has it been answered already why the actionkeys are on the left and the dpad on the right?
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    Release New Website 1.0

    I just realised that the first FAQ is "The Pandora is quite expensive, why is this?" and that only 1 of the following 6 lines gives an explanation about that but is just plain marketing s**t. Yes, having a toilet on an intercontinental flight is awesome, but it doesn't justify it's price. Just...
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    Release New Website 1.0

    Looks better now, also seems to load faster. Nice :) But the misleading quotes on the front page remain...
  11. S

    Release New Website 1.0

    When proclaiming FullHD the future of mobile and everything, maybe the hompage of the project that spreads such visions should make use off FullHD since it is not only to become the standart on mobiles, no, it IS the standart on most normal desktops.
  12. S

    1Ghz units, more available, little update.

    To be honest... I abandoned Ubuntu when it first delivered Unity, switching to Mint. Just recently I tried Ubuntu again, and I have to admit, I like it better these days. It is definitly a usable desktop, but some people seem to think they have, for whatever reason, to hate on it. Can't blame...
  13. S

    1Ghz units, more available, little update.

    Ah, I get it. It's your royal "we" again ;)
  14. S

    1Ghz units, more available, little update.

    Which Linux communities are unfriendly to less experienced people? Can't recall that I ever came around such a forum... Of course you cannot await to be handled nicely when you act like an idiot, but that's a huge difference to being a noob.
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    On marketing and buzzwords

    I am very grateful that there are still sane minds defending what I (and probably most of the rest of the pandora userbase) want of this successor. Thank you. :)
  16. S

    What are your future plans for the pandora?

    Hi ED :) With all the recent talk about the pandora 2 I started wondering what the plans for the current (...and current to be for some time) model of the pandora are. As I get it, the sales at are pretty low (something between 1-5 a day), the facebook-page is not really...
  17. S

    Pandora 2 thickness

    Why? Simply to have the most costly in it and argueable argument in your advertisement, or is there some actual application in vision that would justify this? I mean, if it makes no real difference in price then yeah, go for it. But I imagine, that 8GB will make some difference to 2GB in terms...
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    5" screen (on a P2)

    I guess noone cares too much if you can easily replace Android with a normal Linux, so no need to argue on that topic I'd say. And since it's already sure that "Android will be running on it", we don't have to wonder who is going to make the needed adjustments, because Craig has already found...
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    5" screen (on a P2)

    There is no point in having such a screenresolution as FullHD on a mobile device, even if the industrie wants us to believe that. Especially for emulated games it's senseless, and even when it comes to webbrowsing... I got a 1280x786 4.2 inch screen here and I see no benefit over the 800x480...
  20. S

    Release The new website

    Takes a while to load and leaves a lot of unused space on my 1080p monitor, but apart from that it looks just fine. Well, a few things maybe: - The "1 GHZ" icon differs to much in style from the rest of the pandora logo, imo. Though I can see the need to express the difference to the old...