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  1. P

    What Stuff are you going to use with the Pyra?

    I'm definitely hooking this baby up to my HDMI monitor and USB hub with Xbox 360 gamepad etc. Would love to show the Pyra, when it's finished, to some people in businesses who might like the fast & easy workflow on such a device. I've been looking for a handheld like this for ages! There's the...
  2. P

    JXD S7300-USB Anschlus

    Hallo, ich habe 2 S7300 gekauft von JXD über Für mich und für meinen Kumpel einen. Die Geräte sind wirklich sehr cool, Android 4.1 macht isch echt gut auf dem Ding. Aber in letzter Zeit hat sich ein Fehler eingeschlichen: Beim USB-Port ist ein Wackelkontakt, ist ein normaler Mobile...
  3. P

    Betrayed By

    Hey peeps. I meant Jacqueline of course, I'm sorry about this one. I PMed Craig and sent all the Traffic. I ordered the GP2X back then from Craig and the service was very good, reagrding that one. I don't mean to bring anyone in in trouble, but I'm just a bit worried becuase I never received...
  4. P

    Betrayed By

    Hello folks, I wanted to ask, if anyone here too has got betrayed by Craig's shop ( !! ). I ordered last year a breakout board and paid all the costs fast. After some mailing with Jessica or however his sister (?) was named, she guaranteed me to receive my breakout board...
  5. P

    Native Development On The Gp2x

    Hello folks, One of my biggest wishes (and at the moment only thing that looks like fun to me on the GP2X) was to develop natively on the GP2X "on the road" (or: on the rails). I own a few of those Ericsson Chatboards and there is a way to connect them to the GP2X aswell. Do they already work...
  6. P

    Gp2psx V0.36

    @zottd: I'd like to hear your opinon. As you are the main programmer of this emulator and having now quite abit of experience about the power of the GP2X: How much is possible with the GP2X, speaking about PSX emulation, will there be sound, full speed (frameskip is ok) and can may it be still...
  7. P

    Gp2psx V0.35

    @zottd Your work is absolutely amazing. Saw it at a friend running... just wow. Hope the fps increases in near future and the battery time keeps ok ;) Btw, you did use a custom cpu-core, right? I'm not sure but wasn't there an open source lib for a whole bunch of processors including the PSONE...
  8. P

    GP32 Gp32 Emulator

    The GP2X should have enough power... right? To me this makes sense. Why would I want to carry around 2 handhelds instead of one to use all the software from both worlds? Should perform well I think, since GP32 doesn't have any 3d accelerator etc.
  9. P

    Gp2psx V0.35

    Didn't read through the whole thread, but: The 2nd cpu is STILL not used, right? Then there's hope. If it is used... well... pray. :P
  10. P

    Ps1 Games Worth Playing!

    Any Resident Evil. From what I've heard it runs quite well already. Besides, it doesn't look like it needs much power. =)
  11. P

    Gp2psx V0.34

    Nice. I haven't read the thread completely, is zottd still not using the 2nd processor? If so ... there's good hope for full-speed. When RE2 runs... a game I really love to play :)
  12. P

    How Do You Chill Out?

    Oh man. If you want to lay the main part on this, then go ahead. I actually wanted to know what methods and decisions you do to hang out. I'm not that of a regular user and who cares. If you read my thread carefully, the least part of it was about 'drugs' (oh, the bad d-word :( Punch me). Some...
  13. P

    How Do You Chill Out?

    I'm a victim of AD(H)S, therefore it chills me out. :rolleyes: It's the same like with [ I'm STUPID spammer ]. Other people get pushed, I'm downed as well.. Besides I prefer a smoke of good H over amps anytime. But I can chill out without such stuff either... don't panic ;) Mostly I prefer...
  14. P

    How Do You Chill Out?

    Hello folks, I was just wondering how you guys like to chill out in your free time. What are your methods to relax? How do you chill out? :) I love to hang around in front of my computer and play sometimes on my GP2X when I'm sitting at it... and I sometimes sniff up / smoke some line of H or...
  15. P

    Gp2psx V0.03

    I'm really interested in the source code. Is there any available? Please? ;)
  16. P

    Gp2psx V0.03

    I really wonder HARD, if it will be playable one day. I think FS1-2 is the most we can go down... and without sound most stuff isn't nearly playable in a fun way. We need an extension pack for the GP2X, like the SuperCPU for the C64 :lol:
  17. P

    Vice2x Update

    This is great. Thanks alot ;) Hope the compatibility moved upwards.
  18. P

    Euer Schreibtisch/Arbietsplatz/

    Ich wünschte es. Ich will selber schon lange eine... :wink:
  19. P

    Euer Schreibtisch/Arbietsplatz/

    So, hier mal 2 Schnappschüsse aus meinem Entwickler-, Arbeits- und Spielplatz :roll: Zum Entwickeln komme ich momentan leider eher selten... hat aber div. private Gründe, egal. Auf zu den Bildern :) Einmal von rechts: Und einmal von links: Ach ja, essen tue ich da auch ganz gerne 8)
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    Resident Evil DS

    Ne, das war auf einer CD. Das Ding kursiert offenbar seit einigen Jahren in Tauschbörsen und bei Fans. Momentan interessiert mich sowas eher als "Memorabilia", viel Sinn macht es ja nicht, alleine aus Legalitätsgründen.