A Controversial Gpx2 Post


Mar 18, 2005
Madrid, Spain
Visit site
A lot of people on here seem to be very negative about the fact there are a lot of GPx2 threads going on.

This may come as some suprise to you, but this is a GPx2 forum. Look! Its up there in the forum title!

A huge long 20+ page thread about the new GP is bloody difficult to read and keep track of, especially with idiots on here who like to quote entire posts.

Whatever happend to simply saying 'in response to Bronze...' instead of quoting over 5 lines of text?

I say let people post whatever they want - the search function has become useless due to the fact that you have to wade through a huge, single thread to get to your answer. Questions are going to be asked and as a community, lets be nice and answer them regardless of the fact it may have been mentioned elsewhere.

Some of you gurus and regulars (no fingers will be pointed, we are mostly sensible people here) don't realise that not everyone is as 'on the pulse' as you and not everyone is on the external websites every day. We aren't all on here around the clock and definitely don't have time to flick through that thread.

This used to be such a nice community (and I used to be such a mellow chap! ;) ) but now some interest in something new has sparked - SHOCK! HORROR! People are actually posting!

Embrace that fact people are actually talking on here again, don't shun them :)
Nothing controversial, although I do think calling the moderaters slack lazy scumm for not attempting to split/merge threads, or even slip GPnextgen into a new forum. I hope they BAN YOU :D
Mark posted on Aug 4 2005 at 07:36 PM said:
Nowhere near controversial enough. Needs more Hitler.

But yes, I agree. It's nice to see General Talk so active.


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were gonna need another ze games hitler pic with the new gp once it comes out

B) wildo2ne
dear lord... I stopped checking this site daily after I got my new computer and look what's happened! :lol: