A Name For New Upcoming Pandora Zine

Ive checked few and i see the same font problem [ scalling is awfull ]


with tahoma font looks better

What about using the ones from Gargoyle?


The default font for Gargoyle is Bitstream Charter and Luxi Mono. Two vastly underrated fonts that I find just perfect for screen reading.
Karel Jansens said:
So why not going all-out retro and pick a lame, eighties nerdy name
"Pandora pawer" was a play on that, like "amiga power", but it wasn't very good :D

another +1 for PandorAdorer. I'm not letting it go :D
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After seeing these shots on a eee 901 I can honestly say antialiasing will allow smaller font use while still being readable. In fact subpixel shading would be even better. Of course, I wouldn't expect this at first release.

Great idea BTW!

+1 to "Hellolo"
You ought to try simpler, clearer fonts, like these:


I'd also advise against the scanlines at the top and at the bottom; scanlines are always hard on the eyes, and since this will be a reading magazine it will be an especially bad choice to put them in.

I like the idea of making it a standalone app, all the more tied to the scene. Good luck!
Alex. said:
You ought to try simpler, clearer fonts, like these:


I'd also advise against the scanlines at the top and at the bottom; scanlines are always hard on the eyes, and since this will be a reading magazine it will be an especially bad choice to put them in.

I like the idea of making it a standalone app, all the more tied to the scene. Good luck!
Verdana this time


verdnana , yellow


BTW. I think werdana looks good rignt now... as font for reading..
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"All About The Box"
"Inside Pandora's Box"
"Unleashing Pandora's Box"
"Smells Like Pandora" (90's style)
"Pandorabusters" (80's Style)
"Pandoradancing" (70's Style)
"Pandoralove" (60's Style)

definitely. Inside the box is such a boring name. Hellollo has an "historical" reference to the project.

Also, please stop the blue background. My eyes are bleeding :ph34r:
Ok, I have to put this out there... On the western side of the pond "The Box" is a reference to the area between a woman's legs. Now, I find it a bit amusing to talk about things "Inside the Box" or "Outside the Box", however it may not be completely appropriate... maybe... I guess it depends if you think it applies to the community or you have a sense of humor (or both).

"Hey, what are you reading?"
"Oh, just whats going on 'Inside the Box'..."
"Hmm, pretty bad you have to read about it..."

Just another 2 cents added to the mix.

-1 for hellollo, I reckon. Memes and in-jokes are really unwelcoming, they make new folk feel left out. They have the added disadvantage of making me want to hit people :D

sortableturnip said:
"Inside Pandora's Box"
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I guess somebody must've already said "Pandorama" or something? No?

I got "OK Pandora". Anyone?
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If one more person suggests Pandamonium and Pandorama.... grr...

How about

• Pandaddict
• Kung Fu Pandora
• Let me outta here
• Pandora pro

Personally, I like Pandaddict.
-1 for "hellollo". It sounds stupid and I don't see how it's relevant. I'm guessing it's some kind of inside joke? By the way, who suggested it? I've looked at the first few pages of this thread, and I can't find it.

I like the "Pandomonium" idea best, or failing that, "Inside the Box" is good too.

Maybe you should make a poll of all the names that have been suggested to so far; it might make the votes easier to count.
quartercast said:
If one more person suggests Pandamonium and Pandorama.... grr...
Hehe. How's about "The Pan Handle" Get the handle on everything pan handling every week.
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