A Script To Shutdown After Charging


Jun 25, 2010
My main motivation for this is probably what drives most of my hacking - it didn't work like I wanted it to.... so I fixed it!

There is a full article and scripts! on


You should probably only attempt it if you have at least had some passing exposure to the terminal - but its all easily explained and there's nothing complex in the "install" process

This is a proof of concept - although its fully functional.

I may make a "proper" application of it - if there are other facilities people think would be useful, as I understand it there are plans in place to make the startup scripts of this PoC needless but for the time being they are important!

I've had second thoughts and pulled some potentially dangerous commands and will
be replacing this with an application soon! honest!

The rest of the article is still there and may be of interest to the enquiring reader.....
chris_c said:
I've had second thoughts and pulled some potentially dangerous commands and will
be replacing this with an application soon! honest!

Looking forward to using the application, sounds like a common sense approach to charging the Pandora & can only help with battery life and convenience to the user from my understanding.
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This will only be set when you choose it to be set!

Its fully working as is, I'm in the process of turning the script into an executable, I've become very nervous about releasing it as a script as its just too easy to fiddle with and too easy to destroy either a battery or even a Pandora

I'm even reluctant to release the source, I don't want to be sued over someone else's misadventure and I don't want OP ltd to end up having to replace a bunch of Pandora's because people have been fiddling and destroyed their battery or even their Pandora....
this is an early look at what will become a full application, it is however fully functional please read http://chrisc.bedroomcoders.co.uk/?p=77
Looking over the article, it messes with runscripts.. this can be potentially dangerous ( not to mention it's poking the charge chip directly! ) so I think the lack of PND is more a deterrent from people not quite sure what's going on from blindly running it, and then getting into trouble.

As I've found with the Debian stuff I've been doing, there very much can be issues with running the same thing on a different Pandora.. so, yea, I imagine it's a similar reason why a PND of this hasn't been done.

That said, the guide is pretty straight-forward enough to follow, so anyone wanting to use the script shouldn't have that hard a time setting it up :)