AdvanceSCAN - Compile problems... is the source broken ? [SOLVED]


Forum Addict!
Jun 20, 2011
I'm trying to compile AdvanceSCAN, but I just can't because I'm not able to "sudo chown" the source files...

I even tried logging as root, but I have no permissions to change attributes/proprietary/group of the files, so even "./configure" stops itself...

I'm using a FAT32 SD, and I tried to extract the source with 7zip and WinRar from Windows and even directly on the Pandora using gunzip/tar and ArchiveManager, but I just can't touch the permissions of those files...

Does anyone has the same problem ? 

It's the first time I see root not able to do this type of things...
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You cannot define ownership or other advanced attribute on a Fat32 partition. You should consider creating an Ext2 partition to develop, as even symbolic link will not work.
If this is part of the advance mame package, you cqn find a binary version in the panmame pnd.
If this is part of the advance mame package, you cqn find a binary version in the panmame pnd.
I thought about this, but I wanted to compile it myself, because I've never been able to compile anything in the right way on the Pandora :)

But now I know what was the problem :)

AdvanceSCAN compiled without issues with codeblock in an EXT2 SD, and now I will try again all the other things I've failed in the past