ALT+click window moving?


Still Fresh
Dec 11, 2010
since i got my pandora yesterday, i've been fiddling with a bunch of stuff on XFCE, and there's one quite bothersome issue,

the screen being only 480px high, it's very often that OK and cancel etc buttons are not visible, or even large parts of some windows that just ends offscreen ...

usually a nice thing on linux to get over that is to alt+click to move the window anyway, but it doesn't seem to work on the pandora...

so i went in the window manager options to find out if such a thing was available, and guess what? i see a categoty of options called "Box move and resize".... of wich contents ARE off screen!! :blink:

how frustrating is that? :D
What bosbeetle said.

I usually use the left-shoulder click.

Shift, right nub for click, left nub for drag is somewhat tricky to pull off. :p

(I prefer nub mouse to stylus for most situations.)