amiga 500 emulator in progress?

Yeah, and if somebody wanted a port a Amiga 500 emulator - I don't understand why they would'nt pick "Fellow", since it (when it still was developed) seemed to make better use of cpu-power. Ofcause It never supported the same amount of options as UAE, but thats not really what we're looking for.

Thinking about it... Why make a port of WinUAE? and not just UAE?

I mean... Isn't WinUAE just a port for Windows, similar to MacUAE and UAE for Linux?
That screen shot is a fake. The colours come out at perfect levels (e.g. the green is at full 255) NO WAY could he have got it like that from a camera. And the picture of the amiga is at too high a resolution.

Fake, unfortunately.
The picture is so damn obviously a fake. No chance that you could take such a lightful photo of the screen with a non-FLU GP32.
so the hi-res, no jaggies shot of the Amiga didn't give it away? someone had to analyse the green?
looking at the pic again it looks like someone took a pic of the GP32 screen area and just cut out a Amiga image and stuck it in the middle and added text to the picture... cos when you Zoom into the Text there only seems to be 1 colour of green and a little different shade of green here and there... hhmm look Ill make a one.. brb
my Fake picture looks better than the Amiga Fake picture... hehe...
hasnt UAE been ported to the PDA? I recall talking to someone on EAB who had it on his Sharp Zaurus.

That would be the only way - porting the port. Even then. It would run SO slow...

Lets face it, with the great emulation of the SNES (and GENS likely later) the GP32 has fulfilled its potential. And with ST emulation also, *most* Amiga classics can be played.
i don't give a fuck about that fake screenshot. it's just that the guy seemed serious, and no-one was specifically stating that it was a "good joke". sheesh, you people made me feel like an idiot.
jegHegy posted on Dec 31 2003 at 04:32 PM said:
sheesh, you people made me feel like an idiot.
maybe you are....

just joking :D :lol: :p :D :lol: :p :D :eek: :D :p :huh: ;) :rolleyes:
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