Release aMule - ed2k client

I have a Rebirth too, and amule was the only open program (excluding the services), so it consumed 512 MB + 256 (swap) MB RAM downloading 3 files... seems like a high requirement

I'll try to run it without kad and with kad only, to see if the killing thing is still there... then I'll try to reduce some limit parameters in the advanced options

EDIT: in the settings there it the possibility to activate debug info, cool, it'll try also those options
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Tried activating ALL the verbose debug reports in the log, but them reports nothing strange... seems like amule kills itself while it is normally downloading or uploading...

Tried deactivating ED2K... nothing changed

Tried deactivating KAD... nothing changed

One morning it was still open downloading, I gave a look at the download queue and all was working, BUT then I clicked on "Shared files" and amule became unresponsive... and closed itself...

...I need to think what can I try next...I still don't think it's just low on RAM...
I lowered the values of a lot of parameters... let's see if tomorrow is still open

EDIT: damn... still no luck... it closed itself after an hour...
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Not surprising if you ask me, aMule always has been a buggy program.

Running it in daemon mode can make it more stable.

Should be neat if someone can compile MLDonkey.
I'm still playing with this, and with the same 3 files I was downloading (but never finishing), now, here is the new thing I found, after one of the files, the bigger (650 MB), has been downloaded completely, amule remained open for 2 days with the others two (200 MB and 150 MB), leaving anyway the other file in upload...

I don't know if it's just a lucky situation, but seems like it was the bigger file that was giving problems...

I'll try again to download the same three files using a HUGE swap file... like 2 GB ... and will tell the result
no luck... I even tried with 4 GB swap, but the program still hang and use all of it...
I found this discussion that seems related to this issue, and in the last post there are patches, and seems more recents than the last version on sourceforge
good work, thanks!

will compile that version in the next few days, when i find the time
...looking at the options I wasn't using AICH (that is the thing corrected by the patch)... anyway I disabled even ICH to see if it is related to the issue...
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Hey Nilsnsn, can you try the recompile of your source (2.3.1) substituting this file in the src folder ?  (rename it to .cpp)

I tried so many times to compile this program on code:blocks.... but seems like I just suck at that kind of things :( what is your compiling environment ?


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