Angstrom Repo Down?

Which versions does one use from the Angstrom Repo? From what I read, ARM 7, 2011? (as 2008 is being dropped).

This is my first ARM system and first Linux-only. So I have some new things to learn. I am use to Debian and PCLinuxOS

It should still be 2008, as the PandoraOS is still built on it.

Maybe some newer stuff might work though.
I looked at a few apps at the angstrom Repo and only see newer. Then I stumbled upon a page stating that 2008 was deprecated and would be removed in 6 months. Maybe we need a separate forked repo of 2008 or I need help and am looking in the wrong place.

SIDE ISSUE: BTW I followed your page on PanMame and got my old games going. Thanks. your details on RC and updating to 106 was helpful. My MAME simply had everything extracted in directories. I had no idea at first that they were to be in zips and RC fixed the problems after that.

Thanks again.