Another new machine...


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2009
There's a new console on the horizon; the Gamebox. From the maker of the EVO Smart Console, Envizions, it's going to be 'crowd sourced'. Essentially, anybody can contribute to its design, software, etc., rather like the Pandora.

Unfortunately, the creator still needs some help in the marketing side of things. Still, it looks like a pretty great project, and if anybody wants to help out, I left a link below.

Also, here's the trailer:

So what do you guys think? Gizmondo 2.0 or potential success? He wants to hook it up to his cloud gaming service.
Jesus Christ.

What the hell was that?

The video explained nothing I wanted to know apart from NEW NAME!!!! and SOCIAL NETWORKING!!!

And was that a FREE TSHIRT!!! at the end?

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59 days to raise $60,000 with $51 dollars donated? Does it even say in those links what the hardware will cost or what you get as the console?

Sorry if it does, I didn't read it past the point where it said "GameBox is the first open source game console to utilize apps and free tools for an array of features and services. " To me, that statement sounds wildly inaccurate.

Hey, who knows this could be a neat idea, sounds like the Pandora cube with the vague info I did see.

Craig if your cube idea is still something you wish to do, I'd get on it fast! You still have time to get it out there before this guy does it.
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59 days to raise $60,000 with $51 dollars donated? Does it even say in those links what the hardware will cost or what you get as the console?

Sorry if it does, I didn't read it past the point where it said "GameBox is the first open source game console to utilize apps and free tools for an array of features and services. " To me, that statement sounds wildly inaccurate.

Hey, who knows this could be a neat idea, sounds like the Pandora cube with the vague info I did see.

Craig if your cube idea is still something you wish to do, I'd get on it fast! You still have time to get it out there before this guy does it.

$60,000? That would not even mould the case for that thing.
Craig if your cube idea is still something you wish to do, I'd get on it fast! You still have time to get it out there before this guy does it.
This. I've been looking at putting together some sort of barebones PC for hooking up to a television, but it's far too expensive to do so. (Right now I somewhat envy those folks who live in countries where it is cheaper to self-build these things. :P ) A Pandora-Box supplied with the TV-out cable would be ideal for what I want to do with that. :P
Craig if your cube idea is still something you wish to do, I'd get on it fast! You still have time to get it out there before this guy does it.
This. I've been looking at putting together some sort of barebones PC for hooking up to a television, but it's far too expensive to do so. (Right now I somewhat envy those folks who live in countries where it is cheaper to self-build these things. :P ) A Pandora-Box supplied with the TV-out cable would be ideal for what I want to do with that. :P

It's something we do have on the list, but we need to get though these 4000 and batch2 first.
59 days to raise $60,000 with $51 dollars donated? Does it even say in those links what the hardware will cost or what you get as the console?

Sorry if it does, I didn't read it past the point where it said "GameBox is the first open source game console to utilize apps and free tools for an array of features and services. " To me, that statement sounds wildly inaccurate.

Hey, who knows this could be a neat idea, sounds like the Pandora cube with the vague info I did see.

Craig if your cube idea is still something you wish to do, I'd get on it fast! You still have time to get it out there before this guy does it.

$60,000? That would not even mould the case for that thing.
True, but that's what I found fishy. $60,000 for what exactly. You funded everything via preorders. AFTER, he get's the $60,000 then you could preorder his device. Yet having just watched the video, it doesn't really tell you what the donations are for, or even what the device is or does aside from the render they show.

Which is why I said, having heard nothing about your idea of the Pandora cube, you still have time. Question is are you still planning it for sure? If so you might want to start bouncing ideas so you can get that going after batch 2.

I still think you should mod your iControl pad into bluetooth controllers for the Panda Cube. Then you should have an attractive system. Surely you could bundle a cube, a controller and a TV cable for Pandora cost? If so then I think you have something cool there as a small TV media unit.

Keep in mind I know nothing about this stuff, just enthusiastic and want to see you make the Pandora thrive in whatever form.
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What makes it better than a regular PC? I can't tell.
The guy needs some serious help, as you might notice. Still, I think it's a good effort considering the fact that it's an open source console running Android. I think the goal of 60,000 is a little to high, I can understand how much money this'll need, but I, in all honesty, don't think he can pull it in all that fast.

So what do you guys say? Give him some help?
A pandora box or cube would be interesting all right.If such a thing comes about.Never heard of the evo smart console before.The video is a little vague as to what the new machine will do.

But i hope it works out.
Wait wait wait, how did I miss that before? It's by the maker of the EVO? The same EVO which was massively hyped as an open Linux-based TV-gizmobob, and which ended up as a generic x86 box running Microsoft Windows? The same one which was given more space and credibility in certain magazines than the Pandora? Did they ever make it available at all?

Their website and marketing always reminded me very much of the Infinium Labs Phantom. Those who remember that should take a look - you might see what I mean, if it's still there. :lol:
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Hi Everybody,

I'm Derrick Samuels the creator of the new GameBox console. I owe this introduction to my friend Cameron. I read a few post here and wanted to share a few insights on the Gamebox project. The reason for the high goal is to insure we get the master mold which will range in $10k to $25k, a new custom PCB,and new haptic sensor application.

Our initial quote for the first EVO was $300k!I always want the best for our users. Also, we didn't display a lot of stuff on the Indie GoGo page yet, because we have a few key parts of the system we can't discuss until we get the funding moving along. We had a few of our EVO ideas borrowed the last time around and we just want to maintain the cool factor of the system. It will be app driven with similar features like EVO.

Some of these key factors cost several thousand. We have already contribute about $50k for the system by means of IT work we do, credit card funding etc. We will still contribute more fundingto the project for advertisement, beta testing etc. However, we wanted this system to be community driving from the design of the system, to the how the packaging look, funding etc. Here is a quick overview about us and GameBox

We could really use the Open Pandora support. Our goal is to get 4k to 5k pre-orders to meet the goal or donators can select from other rewards on the site. We will do updates as info is available, get feedback from the community, and provide the best possible product. I started my company in 2004. I was fired from my job because some of my co-employees wanted to be part of the EVO movement and my boss didn't agree.

I was fired from my job in 2004. I never looked back. We launch EVO beta units and they sold out! I strongly believe in our system. So if you support this project and I promise, you want be disappointed. Sorry for the long post. Any questions please feel free to contact me! "Let's Game Together!"
I did want to add a small reply. We release EVO in 2009. We sold our limited stock.We sold some to schools, gamers, and collectors. Envizions was never funded by a VC, and we are not a super mega size company based on the Internet news everyone reads.

We do have a office and have been located in the same place for eight years. We average about four to six people working with us. I was always willing to help anyone get into the gaming field. I was amazed as everyone on the buzz EVO got in 2006 from the E3 show. One writer from IGN took a few seconds to hear my pitch and looked at our prototype. (And boy we had to hold that thing together for the entire E3. See first EVO unit.)

We boot strapped all our marketing and I had to do some creative stuff to get EVO noticed! The writer from IGN wrote that amazing article and the rest is history. My team is a small group of gamers that believe in open systems and doing the impossible. We have been fortunate to have traveled around the country to tell everyone about our system. We have had setbacks but in the end we did get units out the door.

Anybody up for a game of Galaga?

Thanks Guys!
What could openpandora do to help you ? I doubt craig would advertise it as he criticized it and wants to make the Pandora cube later.

If you can't pledge a pre-order. Go to the and click on the "feature it" link near the button of the rewards. This will get us on the home page of or just tell friends. I have being following the Open Pandora project and loved the progress the product has done. I was unable to order since the demand was so high.