Release Ansible 2.9.0 (Portable-Ansible v0.4.0)


They'll own everything and be miserable.
Dec 14, 2012
It has been one week sinds I packaged Ansible 2.8.5 and now that I look, 2.9.1 came out 4 days ago. Ansible development really goes fast.
Grab it from the OpenPandora Software Repository.

I have included a playbook that reduces the header sizes from 80 columns back to our 78 on the Pandora. To be honest, there are many places that require such changes (4 places), but I only changed one of them; I'll work on it a bit more for the next release.

Once you open Ansible, you will get a terminal inside your ./work/ directory with some aliases (see the .bashrc) and you are ready to go.
Do not move away from that directory or the pnd will be unmounted. (so If you need to be in another directory, just open a separate tab, source the .bashrc for the aliases and cd away).

It works correctly just after booting, but sometimes your $HOME points to /home/$USER instead of the good /mnt/utmp/ansible/ directory. If it points to /home be careful: It then WRITES TO THE NAND (to /home/$USER/.ansible/). Not much, but know it happens.

The other problem Ansible on Pandora faces is speed: It is really really really slow. The command "ansible --version" takes around 24 seconds. For fun I did a "strace python ../ansible --version" and 10000 lines later I learned more than 3000 files are being opened just to show the version. And my SD card is slow to open many files. It also does hurt that it is *.py instead of *.pyc, but at least the code is transparant that way. This is because the PND/squash is unpacked with ownership root (can we change this?) and the user does not have write access to those directories, so Python can not create .pyc files next to each .py file.
So as root I did:

cd /mnt/utmp/ansible/ansible && python -m compileall .

And other than suddenly using an extra 68MB the "ansible --version" command dropped to 15 seconds. So that's a good speed bump. (and something I need to try on other Python packages). So expect the next build to be faster, and bigger.

Other than that, it is functional.

If you want to discuss, here is a thread:
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Version in the Repo
* Rebuild with precompiled pyc files (Ansible now faster, but still slow)