Hi Moxie,
Moxie said:
Well, see, that is the point. To what lengths should someone has to go in order to have private time? I am, after all, formally "off-duty". Should I have to pull out the phone plug and turn off the computer in order to be able to lead a private life? Should I have to, in effect, block out my family and friends in order to not have to deal with my professional life at a weekend?
To me, the answer is an obvious "Of course not". And this common courtesy ought to include anybody. Even builders of obscure handhelds. Especially so - After all, in my position my students actually have a legitimate right to the information - Their exam results. Here, there is only want, no right.
I'm sorry but I disagree with you, again. The problem is not remaining plugged to your electronic devices on weekends (for your family and friends), the problem is actually using them, like answering phone calls or IM from your students when off-duty. Who's forcing you to do so ? Do your students threaten you ? Are you part of that uncivilized crowd (IMHO) who answers phone calls/text messages/mails/IM anywhere anytime (restaurants, theatres, while talking with friends, in the bed) ? I'm not...
Well it is the same here, I had the right to ask for an update, and OPT were free not to answer. BUT CRAIG DID, with one of his famous replies which answers nothing, then ED repeated well know facts, that's why I have insisted ! I didn't mean to be rude, OK ? I knew it was Sunday, and these guys have the right to rest like all human beings ! I have a lot of respect for them and their work, and I'm sure that when my Pandora will finally arrive, I'll be immensely pleased
No, because that is something that usually needs not be said. It is a part of common courtesy. Politeness, if you like :/
We shouldn't post any serious stuff on these boards on weekends, is that what you say ?
And neither can you. You are completely free to behave like an ass on a sunday, and I'm completely free to call you out on it.
No you're not, and PM'ed / reported about it by the way.
To be clear: Posting questions is not the problem. The problem is the terrible attitude exhibited in the posts like "My question has now been unaswered for 8 hours" and "Well, I saw that Craig was online, so he has no reason not to answer". That is just plain rude, on a level that at least to me is unacceptable - Also known as "Behaving like an ass".
As I have explained elsewhere, I didn't expect the OPT to answer my posts on Sunday, it was only a kind of provocation to make them react and tell what was really going on, but as we're dealing with online discussion here, you can never know the real intentions of the guy you're talking to. Mine were not bad, I can assure you. Even though I seemed rude, impolite or whatever to you, you were not entitled to insult me like you did !
Moxie, I think this discussion could last for pages and pages, yet we will never agree

Can we please now put it to an end, or resume it privately by PM ? I wish you know me in real life, I'm not the bad, imbecile, uncultured guy you think I am.
@ ED, OPT, and everybody else: If I did hurt your feelings on Sunday I'M REALLY SORRY, it was not my intentions, but now the discussion is over, everything is fine
Bye, Magic Sam