Authentication problem


Still Fresh
Hi, I am trying to autenticate the GP32 and having a problem. I am using the authentication wizard that I got form the website. When I start the program it says "connect GP32 to PC and convert to PC-Link mode". Iam not quite sure what convert to PC-link mode is. What I did was on the GP32 i scrolled to the icon that has a computer on it and hit start. A now waiting screen appeared. Back on the authentication program, I entered the ID # of my GP32 off of my box (is this correct, cause I cant find an ID# on my PG32 anywhere) and I entered my password. After that I get this message. "Invalid ID" Please help, Thanks!
Yeah, your supposed to enter ID and Password that you used to register on the gamepark website. PC-LInk mode is the mode where you can transfer stuff to and from your gp32, press select twice and press start to get there.