Bloody Dust


Sep 19, 2004
whats the easiest way to get the screen protector off. got a speck of dust right in the middle of the screen.
whats the easiest way to get the screen protector off. got a speck of dust right in the middle of the screen.

I remember a while back, someone suggested using a static charged balloon to move the dust off to the side of the screen. I haven't tried this myself though.
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Look around in the "I need help" forum. ;)
I think people say the best way is to heat it up around the edges (where the glue is) and very gently pry it off.
whats the easiest way to get the screen protector off. got a speck of dust right in the middle of the screen.

To warm up front panel using haidryer (by not too much) then try remove the protector. This is hard and you might crack the case so... better not try.

The second possibility is to open whole gp2x so you could detach the lcd from front panel and do cleaning. This is somewhat easier however there is some glue between lcd's case and bottom of front panel. Some delicate knife works will be needed.
(I did such thing)

Once you get to the lcd and protector use water with soap to clean it. Don't use any solvents!!! And remember to wash your hands before as you don't want any grease spots instead of dust.
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thanks all for your help amazingly and much to my surprise the balloon trick worked a peach.
thanks all for your help amazingly and much to my surprise the balloon trick worked a peach.

Not to burst your balloon :p but that annoying mote of dust may creep its way back into view ... I had installed my screen cover perfectly, no dust. Then some weeks later noticed a few specs got in somehow, then more and more until it drove me mad.

I had to disassemble the unit, lift out the LCD and go at it with canned air.
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Bloody Dust would be a good name for a game set in the old West!