British meetup first pic...

Getting the glass screen was pretty easy:
Just take the old one with you, go to a glass cutter (or glass maker? Don't know how the profession is called in english... a person who deals with glass ;))
and let them cut a nice glass for you the exact same size the old screen has.

If he doesn't cut the edges round for you, just break the edges carefully with some pliers off (they don't have to be round 'cause you won't see them anyway when the grey plastic is ontop of the glass).

I used normal glass, but I'd go for some anti-reflection glass if possible (I'll do this once I have time).

The glass is about double as thick as the original screen, but this is no problem :)
There will be pics put in teh writeup of the meet in the GP32:Zine issue 2 (in a week or so...)

Also, I will be posting some on
