C64 Blast Disk Collection

I've recently started to download the C64 blast disk collection (would love to tell you where from but I can't :D ) and i've noticed when loading them you just get the numbers not the actually game names.
I have a text file on my gp with the game names on but is there a better way of doing it, maybe a way of editing the .d64 files so you can put in the game names?

In theory you could rename all the .d64 files to reflect the games since the filenames don't really matter, although that wouldn't work well for disks that have multiple games on them.

You can either view the text file on your GP, print it out and look at the piece of paper, or just rename them to the game that you most like on each disk.
if you want the game names to appear in the .d64 files - i guess you are loading using the 'd64 browser' option ? (best way to do anything on frodo)

i dont use the blast collection, but i guess if so, the file names might be appearing garbled ?

if this is the case and you wanted to extract each image from the d64, rename each file - and then recompile back.... you would need to use star commander - havent kept the link.....

wouldnt need the menu of course.. which wouldnt work if you renamed files...

best bet is to ditch blast and get the gamebase collection and slowly work thru testing on the pc using frodo which can be configured easy via the frontend and then compile your own d64s with stuff which works on that
Star commander eh, i've been looking for something to extract .d64 files i guess i'll try and find it :)

So do you use it in frodo or on the pc?
for commodore 64 :

get the gamebase collection
get the frontend
get the script using FrodoPC on the PC to load games

it's the quickest testing environment

then make some blank d64s using star commander
extract any 'single filed' games into your blank d64s
load on frodo GP32 using 'd64 browser' option

that should be it. takes a long time, i've got 20 d64 images with multiple games, as well as about 20 which are not single filed (eg maniac mansion)
Is there any way of converting .prg games to .t64? :)

Because I've extracted the games from a .d64 file and they become .prg files
Instead of creating my own .d64 file I would like to convert all the .prg files (if possible) to .t64 files and then i could just list all the games at once in frodo :)
I'm having lots of problems with my c64 emulator (frodo)

It runs very few games and non of my faves. Heres a list of games it won't run so far (partial list)

Bruce Lee, Poster Paster, Paradroid, Super Pipeline, Rescue on Fractalus, Delta, Ghettoblaster, Gyruss, Master of the lamps.

Its a shame as theres some superb c64 games.

I also installed an Atari 800 emulator and its the best I've EVER seen. runs everything, even Rescue on Fractalus and my fave.. Bruce Lee

Now... if there was only a version of Paradroid for the atari 800. anyone want to port it? ;)

is it only me who has c64 emulation probs?
Is there any way of converting .prg games to .t64? :)

Because I've extracted the games from a .d64 file and they become .prg files
Instead of creating my own .d64 file I would like to convert all the .prg files (if possible) to .t64 files and then i could just list all the games at once in frodo :)
star commander can make t64 files as well

zen some of those games definitely work, i'd need to check them all... it's all dependant upon which version you use of the game image itself... or which frodo...

p.s i agree the atari emulator is fantastic, plays archon ! and last starfighter is cool
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