Can Someone With Gp2x Please Test A Video For Me?

It won't play.

It's in .mp4 format ... unless I'm mistaken (hey, it's happened once or twice ;) ), .mp4 only plays on PSPs and Quicktime 6.5+ ...
Actually, quite a few players can cope with .mp4, including mplayer. It's just a matter of codecs. That doesn't mean I have a clue if the gp2x movie player will cope with them though...
EDIT: (just because I am nice)

Of course it will play, (thats what I am encoding all my stuff in untill h.264 support gets added).
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My question is still unanswered, though. Well, I guess not too many people got a GP2X, yet, and those that have are probably busy playing Quake... ;)
Only like 10 devs and 500 koreans got their units. Oh, and the many kitchen gnome's that live with CraigX, but they dont like the internet :D
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Guess what I am going to prepare for thanksgiving on my brand new 400 degrees celcius gp2x oven (which has yet to arrive)?

A large tux together with his genoo family, and a lot of source! yes... can not wait!

Bad joke, i know... im sorry if it made you cry.
I actually tried to see the clip on gp2x and no it does not work. Didn't expect it to work either, just wanted to confirm this. :)
nope, the mp4 stuff is pure open source, mostly from ffmpeg. It only uses win32codecs for wmv, wma, real and some crappy qt audio codecs.

Whether the version of mplayer on the gp2x is new enough to have support for the format is another story, but it will be taken care of once the source is released.
Just tested the file on my beta unit with an early firmware and NO. The player wont even find it on the SD card. DVIX works perfect for me and XVID 90% fine. So make sure you convert your videos into the AVI (DIVX), I use DR DIVX. But give it a few weeks and I guess a MP4 player would be release by someone.