
λ the β-Redex Reducer

β-Redex Reducing Member
Sep 13, 2016
Lambda Centre
I have a story about cancer. The story is not finished yet but I think it's progressed far enough to share.

I few months ago my old dog got cancer. The cancer was a very small dot. So I tried detoxing her on a raw food diet of mostly raw meat. After a few months of that her tumor grew from the size of a small hard-to-notice dot to about the size of a chicken egg (our dog is about 2 KG so this tumor was huge for her). Getting desperate I went to our veterinary. He said that the tumor was too large to be removed through surgery. He could not help our dog. He told us that she would probably still be well for at least 3 months and then basically send her home to die.

So getting very desperate I decided to detox her again but this time on fruit and herbs based on advice from Dr. Robert Morse and his clinic. I started feeding her fruit only and after I few weeks of that I added in herbs. During this time her mouth began looking very ugly and got white stuff very slowly oozing out of the left side of her bottom lip, it seemed. On the 5th day of eating herbs she got paralysed for probably roughly 30 minutes one morning. It was scary but I was desperate to get rid of the cancer and I knew detoxing comes with stuff like this due to both reading about it and experiencing it myself, so I pushed on. I did give her a sweet potato to slow the detox a bit though. So the detox continued and after 12 days she got paralysed again for roughly 28 minutes. However the next day her mouth suddenly looked much better and since then her tumor started shrinking rapidly.

Right now her tumor has decreased to roughly 1/10th the size it was when I started this detox and it seems to still be shrinking. This surprises me a bit; I knew that fruit was good for humans but humans are frugivores. However even for humans I was not sure if fruit could cure cancer. But now I see a dog getting healed of cancer thanks to a diet of almost nothing but bananas and herbs.

I'm not sure of the detox will completely cure her but I much prefer the small tumor she has now over the huge disgusting ulcerated egg she started with and I'm sure she does as well.

So what about you guys? Any experience with healing cancer? Know someone who healed cancer? I'd like to hear your stories. Personally I'm pretty new to healing cancer; this is the first time I've seen it happen.
I almost stopped reading half-way through. That's some terrifyingly visceral descriptions, and it sounded almost like administering some form of cruel torture. However, it sounds like the end results may have paid off (although I would personally rather have paid for a vet).

I also point out that correlation does not imply causation. You may have been working miracles, or you may have just been lucky.
I almost stopped reading half-way through. That's some terrifyingly visceral descriptions, and it sounded almost like administering some form of cruel torture.
With such a huge tumor there is no pleasant option. She had to get killed, suffer pain from cancer, or detox. But now the suffering seems to mostly over with. She has not been paralysed for a while now and her tumor is small. She still seems weaker in her legs though, even when her tumor was the size of an egg she could still barely jump on the cough shortly after starting the fruit detox she could not do that anymore. I'm hoping that she gets stronger again once this is all done.

although I would personally rather have paid for a vet).
I did pay for a vet. He could not help her because the tumor was too big.

I also point out that correlation does not imply causation. You may have been working miracles, or you may have just been lucky.
True. Although personally I think that the diet helped since it would be too coincidental if it did not. I'm mostly on the fence about whether the herbs on her old meat diet would have healed her and about whether bananas without the herbs would have healed her. I was so desperate that I immediately changed everything as soon as I could which means that even if the diet worked either the fruit or the herbs could have been useless.

You could read up on foods that alkalize the body, helps with all sorts of ailments.
I did; in fact that was what I based the fruit diet that seems to have healed her on. There's a whole theory behind it about cancer just being acidosis and the cure to cancer being foods that alkalise the body. I had heard about that theory long ago because many fruitarians talk about it (fruit is supposedly the most alkalising food) but I mostly ate fruit because it seemed natural for humans. So when my dog got cancer I tried detoxing her with raw high quality meat because that seemed natural for dogs. I think that that act of ignorance almost killed my dog. Due what happened with my dog so far, I now believe in the alkalising diet and it's benefits. I'm going to add in a little bit of raw meat in her diet if she fully heals but she'll be primarily living on fruit from now on.
Sorry, I clearly missed that bit - reading with my eyes closed.
I get it, the story is nasty. It was nasty for me too. I sleep down-stairs on the couch and for a few days I always heard a thump in the morning when she came out of her basket. I thought nothing of it until one day her her hind legs where stuck in her basket after the "morning thump". After that I realised that the thump every morning was just her struggling with her legs for a few seconds while I woke up, got out of the cough, and turned on the light. However the thumps stopped happening after the first time she got paralysed until the second time where I heard the thump (that I had learned to dread at that point) again — luckily for the last time so far.

This has been quite the journey. I have kept a log because I wanted to track her progress and maybe spot correlations. However the log is messy because I did not plan it out well. I also think that I should have made pictures. I think I'm going to start making pictures next time I check out the tumor to help keep me track of the last bit of progress. By far most of the tumor is gone but it's still pretty significant.
Tumor doesn't automatically mean cancer. To me it sounds like your starving the tumor - whatever it is - along with your dog. Only raw meat isn't the right diet either. Carnivores eat meat, bone marrow, drink blood (great vitamin source), dirt (minerals), and semi-digested whatever-their-prey-had.
Oh look more fruititarian stuff:

Some Facts
Fruitarian diets are not supported by scientific evidence and increase the risk of nutritional deficiencies such as vitamin B12, calcium, iron, zinc, omega-3 and protein

The parents of a baby girl who died of severe malnutrition after being fed a raw fruit and vegetable diet....The Manuelyans were repeatedly warned that the diet was harmful to their children's physical development and were told the two eldest showed symptoms of vitamin deficiencies.

I am sorry about your dog, I completely understand and love my dog dearly....But it really seems like you are making the poor puppy suffer even more.
It;'s a little bit complicated, dogs and somwhere between the defniition of carnivore and that of omnivore. which make s sense given the defintition of omnivoire is based on that of humaniity. Dogs eat a little bit human and a little but carnivore. Cats are your basic carnivore, and their foods are mainly muscle and jelly, while dog food evidently has root vegetables and peas in in my experience. The only thing I know is that dogs strongly reject tomatoes (because they're poisonous to dogs) and mushrooms (because fungus yuck, presumably). But I'm not aware of any diet of dogs that doesn't include meat muscle or jelly to be fair.
My grandma used to give her dog a banana daily. Said its importand for his health.
She did sports with him, scored 4th place in national defense and tracking championchip (basically police training) [/swank].
So there is probably knowledge and experience behind this statement.
Tumor doesn't automatically mean cancer.
You are right about that but if the tumor is the size of an egg on a small chihuahua, ulcerated with ulcers that have ulcers, bright red at the top, and has a professional veterinarian saying that it's a malignant tumor that's going to grow to the vulva and kill the host, then it's probably malignant cancer. And all those premises held for my dog's tumor.

Anyway maybe I'll post an update when something major happens. I actually wanted to tell about this only after it was healed completely but I was too excited to wait for that since I found it amazing that the tumor actually shrunk to roughly 1/10 it's original size.
Beside the assumption that this was and is cancer, consider the following:
Maybe it isn't that the fruit and herbs had any specific property, but you instead ldid something to metabolism and cell renewal by starving a canivore of
bio-available protein and cholesterol?

Then there is the anecdotal sample group of one.

I know _nothing_ btw. What I do know is that dogs eat meat. You will make the dog suffer for no good reason by not giving it meat to eat.
I hope your dog will heal and get better.

I wouldn't rush to conclusions. Leave someone in a room with a lightbulb that randomly goes on and off and a switch that isn't wired and most of the time they'll be convinced that there's a pattern and that they found a way to control the lightbulb (unless they're depressed, in which case they're most likely to say that the light is random and that they don't have any control over it). You want the best for your dog, you did something because you couldn't just do nothing and now you'd like to consider that your actions had an impact. But unless you've got a parallel universe where you didn't do any of this, we can't prove that what you did helped.

I'm not writing this to be mean. It's just that health is a complicated topic and there are many quack doctors and lobbies trying to spread misinformation that's harming people (and animals). Anecdotical evidence isn't enough to prove a theory. If you find many other people with the same story (and ideally few to no people with the same story without giving fruits), then it might be worth trying to submit it to researchers. But if you just have your own experience, drawing a conclusion and spreading it around could lead some people to try something that is maybe completely wrong and cause them to lose their dogs to a cancer that could have been healed with better proven methods.
Have you thought about joining your dog in a medicine trial? These type of things are very useful for scientists and dog owners. These trails pinpoint te problem much more acurate than mouse trails, since mouse are injected with tumor cell and thereby devolop a tumor, while domestic dogs like yours develop cancer naturally. Ive met some dog owners who were really pleased by the results, Ive also met some scientist who are really benefitting from that solution.

The only downside would be price, it will be a lot more expensive than fruit and herbs, on the onther hand also a lot more controlled and aplicable for other people/animals.
Have you thought about joining your dog in a medicine trial? These type of things are very useful for scientists and dog owners. These trails pinpoint te problem much more acurate than mouse trails, since mouse are injected with tumor cell and thereby devolop a tumor, while domestic dogs like yours develop cancer naturally. Ive met some dog owners who were really pleased by the results, Ive also met some scientist who are really benefitting from that solution.

The only downside would be price, it will be a lot more expensive than fruit and herbs, on the onther hand also a lot more controlled and aplicable for other people/animals.

This is a brilliant idea if he can afford it. Like I said I love my dog dearly and I dread the day she gets too old and has substantial problems