Cannot Delete Folder On Gp2x Memory Card


sausage dog

OK, I am going nuts trying to get gngeo working on the GP2x. Anyway I tried to delete the folder to start again and it just says 'directory not empty cannot delete folder'. There are two items inside that will net delete.

Please help
happens to me quite often
leave it alone 4 a day or two and no more message
ok, i had to unplug the USB link and then reconnect the card reader. It deleted the unwanted folder. Case closed.
Sometimes that happens if windows leaves a 0 byte file on the card. The best way to remove this is use the gp2x itself to delete the file and folder. Happened to me not long ago, fixed it right up.
I though it was being caused by removing the SD card from a reader to quickly before maybe Windows had comitted the writing...I seem to get that now and then as well and some times causes corrupt cards...