Can't Hold It Much Longer


Still Fresh
Sep 14, 2007
Germany, Weimar



I played Galcon on the iPhone and was very pleased by the game and the touchscreen controls. So I started to develop a version by my own. I will also alter the game in some aspects. The "!DAMM THATS SLOW, MOTHER!" video footage shows what I mean by that.

08.12.06 ... Third video on YouTube, shows the latest graphics
08.09.08 ... Second video on YouTube, this time a full level played
08.09.07 ... New video on YouTube
08.09.07 ... New video
08.09.06 ... NEW !!! A.I. is now working.

1. screenshots of all development stages of the game)

08_12_06: Third video on YouTube, shows the latest graphics
2008_09_08: Second gameplay video on YouTube
2008_09_07: gameplay video on YouTube
2008_09_07: !DAMM THATS SLOW, MOTHER!, 60Hz, realtime gameplay(66MB, Xvid, Mp3, Avi)
2008_08_20: First gameplay Movie, test mechanics (105 MB, Xvid, Mp3, Avi)

More media:
Videos and latest images
Some related concepts :D

Feel free to post your ideas and suggestions....

If you want to play it yourself, checkout gloost via cvs and compile the "intergalactic" demo (read the README.TXT first).

Game Controls:
  • press space to pause and unpause
  • left mouse button to mark one of the green planets
  • right mouse button on any other planet to send ships
  • ....
  • press "c" to create a random level (most of the random levels are not worth playing)
  • press "s" to run the game ten times faster
  • press "x" to kill all flying ships
  • press "h" to toggle the help text and the log
  • press "h" to toggle the help text and the log
  • press "v" to reset the points of all neutral planets
When I am able to load and save levels, I will publish a precompiled windows/Linux demo. Until then only for developers :blink:
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I saw someone earlier complaining about missing images in Ruckage's thread, and now I have the same problem here where it simple says "IPB Image".

Regardless, I saw these screeenshots earlier and they are impressive, looks fantastic.
Looks really nice. I tried Galcon a little (classic mode) and it looks very much like a game I wanted to make using computer vision, where you interface with a web camera (Why you ask? because I can :)).

I don't have any exact suggestions, but you should look for ways to balance out the game a little. I played Galcon against the computer, and the game is decided very soon and there is no way of making a comeback if you're loosing. Maybe that's the charm of the game ;) Of course, if there are more then 2 players the game probably has a lot more dynamics.
Beautiful imagery, you really can't go wrong with colourful starship swarms :)

The game's idea is right up my alley, I can see myself playing this for hours on end. Best of luck with this!
I know the guy who wrote Galcon... Phil Hassey. He's a very prolific Pygame developer. He might be willing to port Galcon, it should be fairly simple once Pygame is running on Pandora.
Never heared of this game before but it looks pretty neat. Nice work on the graphical front too otaco.
icurafu said:
Amazing! You've even credited SDL.
I don't know why more developers don't give credit like that. If the software's good enough for someone to use personally, they can at least mention the projects and let others know about them.
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Damn it, this game looks great.
Now I MUST buy the pandora for some portable Galcon-like gameplay. :(

Anyway, I recently bought Galcon online about a month or two ago, it's such a nice game that you can play for hours when you just intended to play it for 5 minutes. :P
It's like a modern version of Konquest for linux, but with pretty graphics and in real-time. (I used to play this a lot when I was younger)

Good luck with this, looks great. :)
Wow, looks fantastic!! I swear, just a quick browse of the developers forum would get anyone sweaty (or sweatier) for the Pandora's release
PoisonedV said:
Did you ever get a dev unit, or is this pc based o far?
No, I didn't got one. This is all windows/linux. Besides I'm to busy the rest of the year to finish the game for the release of the openPandora. :( , so probably no devboard for me.
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I like it :) Thanks for the job you are doing for the future Pandora.This is what Pandora needs, a lot of good homebrew stuff like this ;) :pandora1:
I updated the first post of this topic. Thera are now some more images and a new gameplay video. The A.I is now working, so all Devs feel free to download the stuff and play with it... All libs and dlls are within the cvs module so the stuff compiles out of the box on windows (only codeblocks with mingw is required!) and linux (read the README.TXT within the module).

gloost CVS (use tortoise cvs for all your cvs needs )