Release CG Madness


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is CG Madness, a small game similar to Marble Madness.


It has been ported using gl4es.

Note that there is no sound at all, and the game has not a lot of levels...

Nub are setup to have mouse buttons on Left Nub and Mouse movement on Right Nub. Mouse look is activated, but you can also rotate the view with the Shoulder buttons, and Zoom in/out with {A}/{B}.

Jump with Space or {X}

On CC (and Rebirth?) model, I suggest you disable reflect (F2 in game to toggle it)

A video of the gameplay on the Pandora from @ingoreis, showing the enhanced graphics

Sources are inside the PND.

History log

Build 02

  • Refreshed build
  • Updated libs
  • Switched to gl4es
  • Added ability to play with shader: create a file named .es in appdata/cgmadness that contain just 2
Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Some key configuration
PS: I am aware of the "CG Portals" modification. I have compiled it and it works, but there is only 1 level to play with (and you don't even need to move, you win automaticaly), so I will not release it.
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I rate CCF's ratings 1 star. No wait, I do not . I actually don't give a damn about that sorry "this is just like appstore" nonsense.
Bah, don't worry, I pay much attention to rating (I already explained in other thread that I don't like current rating).

I look at comments, that's all.
It play well too, but it's short (my son just finished all the levels).
Sound like your kid is an hardcore gamer. No wonder why the father is a porting machine :D
He is getting good at video games yes. He was at the Pix & Tech event at Nimes this weekend, and succeed there to beat the last level of Boson-X (with TV Out for the show). That's pretty fast yeah ;)

And he likes the Trackball / CG Madness & all kind of games :)
Bah, don't worry, I pay much attention to rating (I already explained in other thread that I don't like current rating).

I look at comments, that's all.
I think that's the way to do it.

I think I did use the rating system once or so.

Everyone who does publish stuff here does own good rating I suppose.

I could not rate anything with less than 4 Stars (only complete broken stuff or fake apps).

If I like a program I do write that in the thread of the Forum.

Games like these are not the one I prefer. Compared with missing sound I could give you a 3 star ranking.

But come one.

Sound doesn't count for me. especially for such games. I open Deadbeef in the background and play some songs if I need music that urgent :) .

And even if It's not the sort of Game I like I see no reason to give bad ratings. I rather ignore it.

And even then I'm happy to see new games/applications on the repo.

There's nothing for me that justifies low rating except realy bad stuff (racism, spying user Data and such).

For me every working and usable program is a good program.

And you did a lot great work in the past :) .
Bah, don't worry, I pay much attention to rating (I already explained in other thread that I don't like current rating).

I look at comments, that's all.
This is good to know.  I will make sure to comment in the future.
Bah, don't worry, I pay much attention to rating (I already explained in other thread that I don't like current rating).

I look at comments, that's all.
This is good to know.  I will make sure to comment in the future.
Yes, rating are very subjective. Is 3 star good? should I consider anything less than 5 star a bad rating? No scale, and it depends on the rater (and I don't know who it is). So I don't look at it (hmmm, the negation was somehow missing from my previous sentence, but I guess everyone figure it out... No compiler in real life to tell me I'm missing some keyword in my line ;) ).

Comments are much less subjective, so I pay attention to the text, not the star (because, CG Madness has just 1 vote on the repo with 2 stars, so I guess it's not good, so I should remove it, or should not had put it on the repo in the first place?).

So yes, if you have something to say about a release, please write it (on the repo or in here) :)
If I have time I will go make little comments on the repo this weekend.

As for ratings, yeah I can see how it is highly subjective.

For things I pay for I usually start with 4 stars if it does what it should and works well, even if I don't really like it.  5 for things that are better than expected.  3 if it kinda works.  2 is for stuff that is just bad.  1 is a waste of time and money.

For free stuff 5 is for things that work well.  4 is for stuff that has a few minor issues but performs mostly as expected. 3-1 as above.

On Netflix my rating standards are completely different, and factor in family's opinion as well.

I just noticed I wasted everyone's time with this.  Bah.
Won't start for me :(


Seems to be the main problem, followed by many glXGetProcAddress: <stuff>  not found  errors.
Won't start for me :(


Seems to be the main problem, followed by many glXGetProcAddress: <stuff>  not found  errors.
You should restart your Pandora, it seems EGL is broken (it can happens when force-quitting a GL software).
rebooted, same errors...

Edit: rebooted again, a sky/horizon image is rendered fullscreen, except for a black bar on the right about 100px wide

The characters 0.0 are rendered in white in the bottom left of the screen.

cgmadness is using around 3% cpu.

Edit2: crashed after a few min.

return code in .out file was 1 this time round, was previously 6

Edit3: same behaviour again -  rendering of sky, then crash

tried again, this time it shows a glitched image of my desktop. cpu @ 3%

Pressing pandora button causes xfce menu to render on top of image

cgm seems to have switched my nub settings around so that right nub is mouse movement, left is mouse buttons.

attempting to launch new programs using menu works, but they aren't visible until I forcibly quit cgm by holding that pandora button

no obvious errors in .out file
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rebooted, same errors...

Edit: rebooted again, a sky/horizon image is rendered fullscreen, except for a black bar on the right about 100px wide

The characters 0.0 are rendered in white in the bottom left of the screen.

cgmadness is using around 3% cpu.

Edit2: crashed after a few min.

return code in .out file was 1 this time round, was previously 6
You are using what model of Pandora, and with what driver?

Is your Pandora up-to-date?
  • Its a 1GHz unit from December 2013
  • I've run the upgrade OS tool recently, and rebooted
  • I haven't done anything unusual with drivers, so I assume its the default one
  • I'm not overclocking anything
  • I haven't forcibly killed any OGL apps since reboot
  • sysinfo says SZ R1.61 and Kernel 3.2.58

  • cgmadness is using  between 2.5% and 3% cpu time, and 3.1% memory
  • The .out file is attached, after it got stuck displaying the sky image (for a few minutes at least) and had to be killed by holding the pandora button - but it doesn't seem to be much help, since I don't see any errors in it.
  • on attempting to run it again, it gives the numerous EGL errors described earlier

PND             : /media/pandora-apps/pandora/menu/cgmadness_ptitseb.pnd
PND_FSTYPE      : Squashfs
APPDATADIR      : /media/pandora-apps/pandora/appdata/cgmadness
APPDD_FSTYPE    : ext3
PND_CPUSPEED    : <unset>
EXENAME         :
ARGUMENTS       : <unset>
[ START ]--- Mount the PND ----------
Mounting : mount -t squashfs -o ro "/dev/loop1" "/mnt/utmp/cgmadness"
Mounting the Union FS : mount -t aufs -o exec,dirs="/media/pandora-apps/pandora/appdata/cgmadness=rw+nolwh":"/mnt/pnd/cgmadness=rr" none "/mnt/utmp/cgmadness"
[SUCCESS]--- Mount the PND ----------
[ START ]--- Starting the application (  ) ----------
Setting PATH to /mnt/utmp/cgmadness:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games
System check
Freememory is 451
Cpu Speed is 1000
Sys Speed is 400
Nubs as mbuttons, mouse
./ line 91:  2945 Terminated              ./cgmadness $*
[SUCCESS]--- Starting the application (  ) ----------
[ START ]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------
[SUCCESS]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------
[ START ]--- uMount the PND ----------
[ START ]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------
[SUCCESS]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------
auplink:plink.c:223: AUFS_CTL_PLINK_MAINT: Inappropriate ioctl for device
rmdir: failed to remove `/mnt/utmp/cgmadness': Device or resource busy
[ START ]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------
[SUCCESS]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------
cleanup done
[SUCCESS]--- uMount the PND ----------
Return code is : 1