Could anyone upload /etc/pandora/conf/mmenu.conf?


Sep 28, 2011
Mini Menu was acting up by showing the WordProcessor tab every time i started it so i figured i'd delete the conf file and it would regenerate and fix itself. Turns out it doesn't regenerate so if anyone could upload theirs that would be nice. Thanks!
# for the mmenu 'minimenu'


# Note on overriding whats in a .pnd-application/PXML.xml

# Note that you can perform icon name, clockspeed setting and category overrides via an .ovr file

# Note that the icon can be overridden for a pnd-file by making a same-name .png file, in the same location

# "Notes" can be added to an icon using the .ovr file, as well.

# Skins

# There is a a searchpath to find skin subdirs in; built in skins are in /etc/pandora/mmenu/skins,

# so any subdirectory of that is a skin-name. (ie: /etc/pandora/mmenu/skins/default is skin named 'default')

# Each skin will have its own mmskin.conf file defining how the skin works. All other options should be

# here, so that skin-changes do not break user preferences


skin_searchpath  /media/*/pandora/mmenu/skins:/media/*/pandora/appdata/mmenu/skins:/etc/pandora/mmenu/skins:./minimenu/skin

skin_selected  ~/.mmenuskinchoice

skin_confname  mmskin.conf

pndrun   /usr/pandora/scripts:./testdata/scripts # searchpath to locate ""; why aren't I looking in /etc/pandora/conf/apps for this?

load_previews_now 0 # if >0, will try to load preview pics from pnds at boot time, not defer till later

load_previews_later 1 # if >0, will try to load preview pics sometime (see defer_timer_ms as well)

load_icons_later 2 # if 0 will load on start; if 1 will load 'later'; if '2' will not auto load icons at all

load_visible_icons 1 # if >0, will try to load visible icons immediately before render; ie: load as needed

defer_icon_us  100000 # when background loading icons (load_icons_later), time between icon loadsa

threaded_preview 0 # if 1, will try to load the preview in background, to avoid slowing up navigation

loglevel  0 # 0 is debug, lots of crap; 3 is better, means 'errors only'. Output may screw up the wrapper!

x11_present_sh  /bin/pidof X # command to invoke to determine if X11 is running or not; expects a number on X is present.

disco_pnds  0 # if nonzero, will do application discovery on pnd-files

disco_dotdesktop 1 # if nonzero, will do application discovery on .desktop files

disco_dotdesktop_all 0 # if nonzero, will include non-libpnd .desktop; if 0, just libpnd (pnd-found by pndnotifyd) will be included

desktop_apps  1 # search the pnd standard desktop searchpath for apps

menu_apps  1 # search the pnd standard menu searchpath for apps

aux_searchpath  /media/*/pandora/mmenu:/usr/pandora/mmenu # if something here, also search this path; can be used for mmenu-only apps?

auto_rescan  1 # if >0, will automaticly rescan for applications, if SD inserts/ejects

disco_lock_max  20 # number of tries to check lock (at 1/5th sec each, 20 == 4 seconds)

disco_lock_usec_delta 500000  # number of usec between lockfile checks; 200000 is 1/5th second

disco_lock_maxage_s 120 # number of seconds .. if lockfile is that old or older, just ignore it entirely


terminal  /usr/bin/Terminal # could also be /usr/bin/xterm, or a sh-script, or whatever


fullscreen  1 # 0 for windowed, >0 for fullscreen

screen_width  800 # for some calculations


top_maincat  1 # include maincat in top tab bar

top_maincat1  0 # include maincat subcat 1 in top tab bar

top_maincat2  0 # include maincat subcat 1 in top tab bar

top_altcat  1 # include alt cat in top tab bar

top_altcat1  0 # include alt cat subcat 1 in top tab bar

top_altcat2  0 # include alt cat subcat 1 in top tab bar

wraparound  0 # if 1, last tab wraps around to first when going right; going left from first tab goes to last


scroll_increment 4 # number of rows to scroll when jumping up or down (recommend 1, or same as row_max for full page jump)

wrap_horiz_samerow 1 # if 0, wraps to prev/next row; if 1, stays on same row

wrap_vert_stop  0 # if 0, wrap to other end; if 1, stops at top/bottom


defer_timer_ms  1500 # after setting selection, how long to wait before we try to load the previewpic

do_cache  1 # if 1, will try to cache previews to SD, for performance boost

cache_searchpath /media/*	    # devices to consider for caching to, in order

cache_minfree  500  # if free space is less than this (in KB), move to next device

cache_path  /pandora/appdata/mmenu.pvwcache		  # where to write cached images to

cache_findpath  /media/*/pandora/appdata/mmenu.pvwcache	  # where to look for cached preview pics


catmap_searchpath /media/*/pandora/mmenu:/etc/pandora/mmenu:./minimenu

catmap_confname  mmcatmap.conf

do_all_cat  1 # if >0, will show an All category; if 0, skip it, just your cats.

#default_cat  Game # if specified, will attempt to use the named category when mmenu starts, instead of 'leftmost' (usually All)


do_browser  0 # if >0, will allow filesystem browsing

tab_searchpaths  /media/*	    # for each chunk in searchpath, show a tab (if not empty).

# example:

# /media -> show /media as a single tab

# /media/* -> show a tab for each dir in /media

# /media/mmcblk1p1:/media/mmcblk2p1 -> show 2 tabs, one for first partition on each SD