Custom Controls for specific games


GP32 NumbNuts
Feb 19, 2003
# Conflict Mode
bind-up ST_UP
bind-down ST_DOWN
bind-left ST_LEFT
bind-right ST_RIGHT
bind-b ST_RETURN
bind-a ST_RETURN

This is for the game Conflict, an incredibly basic Middle East political simulator, games normally last between 5-60 minutes and there will be no head-scratching trying to figure it out as it is a simple menu based game, you play Israel and could get friendly with Syria while secretly funding a terrorist faction to bring down their government, while waging a war with Egypt and developing nuclear weapons :)
Oh and you can piss off the Americans which is always a bonus :D

Anyway give it a try, the game is on Medway Boys disk 94
Mouse Mimic

# mouse mimic
print MouseMimic
bind-up mouse-up
bind-down mouse-down
bind-left mouse-left
bind-right mouse-right
bind-b mouse-fl
bind-a mouse-fr
bind-select toggle-frameskip
bind-fl toggle-keyboard

That leaves right shoulder.. you coudl set it up to show the load config menu:
bind-fr menu_loadconfig

Or you could bind it to goto jpystick mimi conf that you define (essentialyl like above, but joy instead of mouse)
bind-fr goto-c_joy.cnf

Wicked eh? :)
Set yourself up a config file. I will be including some samples in the next and future distributions.. You coudl easily create a config that looks like joystick mode normally does, but lets you toggle autofire on.

For instance.. heres one that would toggle autofire with right-shoulder:

Call it cautojoy.cnf or something..

print JoyAutofire
bind-up joy-up
bind-down joy-down
bind-left joy-left
bind-right joy-right
bind-select toggle-select
bind-fl toggle-keyboard
bind-fr toggle-autofire

Now you can play a joystick game and toggle autofire no problem :)
Couple of my configs:

********** SPACE CRUSADE **********

# Space Crusade
print SpaceCrusade

bind-fl toggle-keyboard
bind-fr ST_S
bind-up mouse-up
bind-down mouse-down
bind-left mouse-left
bind-right mouse-right
bind-b mouse-fl
bind-a mouse-fr
bind-select toggle-frameskip

This is to use the R button to change into SCROLL mode (invaluable i tell ye), pressing R or mouse button again leaves this mode

********** HEIMDAL **********

# Heimdal Mouse
print Heimdal Mouse

bind-fl toggle-keyboard
bind-fr goto-HEIMDALJ.CNF
bind-up mouse-up
bind-down mouse-down
bind-left mouse-left
bind-right mouse-right
bind-b mouse-fl
bind-a mouse-fr
bind-select toggle-frameskip

# Heimdal Joystick
print Heimdal Joystick

bind-fl toggle-keyboard
bind-fr goto-HEIMDALM.CNF
bind-up joy-up
bind-down joy-down
bind-left joy-left
bind-right joy-right
bind-b joy-fire
bind-a joy-fire
bind-select toggle-frameskip

Heimdal uses Mouse, Joystick and Keyboard during its playing, so the above 2 configs switch between all them modes, effectively R toggles joystick/mouse
Note that you can't use "print Heimdell Mouse"; it won't work.. you have to sue "print HeimdallMouse"; you only get one "word" to work with, and I've not yet added quotation to "group" a word...

ie: The goal is:

print SDomeBigWord
print "Some Big Word"

But the quotation isn't supported yet, so you can't use spaces.

If you use:

print Some Big Word

Your'e actually saying

print Some
Big Word

And it'll say "what is the command Big, and it doesn't like the value Word"

I actually only added the comments in after i wrote up the above post, i found that out after i actually put them on my GP :)

for once i RTFM and still mucked up :p
North and South:

# North & south
print NorthSouth
bind-fl ST_RSH
bind-fr ST_RSH
bind-up joy-up
bind-down joy-down
bind-right joy-right
bind-left joy-left
bind-b joy-fire
bind-a hold-ST_SPACE
bind-select toggle-frameskip
# done
Here is the ones for Sentinel:
# Sentinel
print sentinelmove
bind-fl ST_SPACE
bind-fr hold-ST_A
bind-up hold-ST_L
bind-down hold-ST_COMMA
bind-right hold-ST_D
bind-left hold-ST_S
bind-b goto-_sentin2.cnf
bind-a ST_U
bind-select ST_H
# done

# Sentinel
print sentinelaction
bind-fl ST_B
bind-fr ST_R
bind-up hold-ST_L
bind-down hold-ST_COMMA
bind-right hold-ST_D
bind-left hold-ST_S
bind-b goto-_sentin1.cnf
bind-a ST_Q
bind-select ST_T
# done