GP32 Develop Without Writing To Smc.

Akuma no Houkon

Certified Guru
Is there a way to use the GP32>PC cable to stream your apps/games/demos directly to the GP32 without writing them to the SMC? For testing purposes so you dont need to kill your SMC testing your games over and over again. The GBA has this feature although its stunted by the low memory capacity of the GBA and is only really usefull for small apps.

Does anyone know if this is possible? GeePee32 isnt very accurate with timing and such that its difficult to use it as a testing station and I dont want to kill my SMC's.
There is snaff's gplink app for linux (which might be a bit hairy to setup if you've never done any kernel compiling and usb stuff) AND there is some app for this on windows. (Not sure, but I think it's available from DarkFader's site).
DF's PClink has that feature, you can execute gxb's directly without storing them on the SMC.
Very handy to have it start up by default through MFW2.
There is no support for streaming other data over the USB connection, but it shouldn't be too hard to fix i guess.

Is there a way to put out debug info from the GP32 to PC via USB? somekind of realtime profiler...?! What is the name of the PClink like tool for win?
There is a small tool for profiling, not realtime though, it gathers information while you run the program, you can then download the data to your PC and examine it.

For debugging, there is a GDB-stub, with support for borh UART and USB connection to GDB.
You can also use the GDB-stub to output debug strings etc.

I guess I am stupid, but I can't find DF's PClink for windows anywhere on his site or does the windows tool have a different name??
The windows tool I downloaded for development of gpDrive and similar was simply called "pclink.exe" from Darkfaders website, which is a simple dos program.