Dirty SMC


Bass Invader
Nov 1, 2003
Brighton UK
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Is there any best way to clean the contacts on the SMC? I've taken a lot of care not to touch or dirty it but somehow it seems to have got less shiny and sometimes it fails to load my windups desktop until I reinsert it.



Don't have any cleaning tips.
However, at a certain moment my SMC didn't work at all, even cleaning didn't help anymore - After defragmenting it through my card reader it worked again - I haven't had any more troubles. Don't know if this has a certain logic behind it or if it is just shear luck, but you can always try.
um... yeah... ok

Thanks valentino, I'll give a try defragging it.

Still wondering about the cleaning the contacts though,.. or am I being too cautious here?

thanks in advance....
he he Nice one, doctor.. I agree. :)

As for the smc situation, it mostly depends on how frequently you write to the card- If you've erased it and written to it a ba-zillion times you WILL notice missing gold blotches on the card itself and thats when its time get a new one. But, you can improve the life of the card by the 'Write Once, read many' rule- If you can get a huge smc and slap everything you need on it in one shot ( Without ever erasing it ) you will have a card that will last a life time (Or, atleast... longer than normal)- I have an smc that is about 4 years old now and it works just fine with my gp32. Not to mention, its been through a slew of digital camera erases, stepped on, chewed on by the dog- :)

Alchohol works just fine- just be sure to apply very little to the gold contacts only and wipe it off gently- It works just fine for me :)
