Release Dopewars


Oct 7, 2011
London, UK
Download from repo

Hi, another compilation from me. This is the classic Linux port of drug wars.


Release 1.5.12

Release 1 - Initial release

Release 2 - Fixed location for highscores file and added in autofill for player name
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I was just telling my girlfriend about this game.

Thanks for bringing it to the Pandora. She was amazed it ran on the TI calculators back in the day.
Looks like you made a pretty big mistake compiling this. It looks for a fixed folder under /media/smcblk0p1, which of course doesn't exist if (like me) you have your cards labelled.

Interesting, cheers for heads up, will take a look now (I thought the game looked for all its stuff relative to its position)
The game was looking for the highscores file in a default location (which was based on the compile prefix). I've now changed the pnd so that highscores.sco file is loaded from the pnd (it really, REALLY did not like the highscores file in appdata, if this becomes an issue in the future I'll spend more time on it).

Also, the game now uses`whoami` to input player name for you to save those precious seconds :D .

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(it really, REALLY did not like the highscores file in appdata, if this becomes an issue in the future I'll spend more time on it).

I'm not really understanding what you mean here. From the point of view of the program, the appdata directory is just the directory the program is in (or the working directory).

I don't understand whats happening either, but the only way I could get the game to accept the sco file was by having it on the pnd. I don't know if the program (being about 12yrs old) uses some old fashioned file lock on it thats incompatible with the overlay. After about an hour of trying to fight it, I gave up as this was the only workable solution. Shame I couldnt just disable the highscores file, not sure what will happen if and when the program will try to write to it later on.
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Ah was going to say, that was an issue with the first release. Delete the pnd and make sure that /mnt/utmp/dopewars isn't mounted (I've been stung before during testing). In fact a good way of knowing is thus;

if your icon is a green leaf on white background, its the old one. If its not, new one :)