Drmd V5 Beta 7 - Pad Type Option Added

  • Thread starter Thread starter Reesy
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DrMD v5 beta 7 has been released. This version adds an option to choose which type of control pad you are using. You can choose from a 3 button pad or a 6 button pad. The reason for this additional menu option is because 6 button support does not work correctly on all games.

Altered Beast and Fantastic Dizzy should work correctly if you use 3 button mode. There may be other games that are affected. If you see sprites that do not appear to be animated correctly, it may be that the game you are using doesn't like the way the 6 button pad is currently emulated. Try switching to 3 button mode and see if it makes a difference.

By default 3 button mode is enabled, so be warned.

Oh and I've also removed the 44100Hz sound mode again from the MD options screen. I had enabled it again while I was testing but in the end I could not get it working. Unfortunately I forgot to remove the menu option before I made the last release.

Download is here: http://reesy.gp32x.de/DrMDv5b7.zip

thanks reesy. even if it didn't cause bugs having the option to select which kind of pag you want to use is something a fair amount of people would have wanted anyway.

this is quite possibly the most perfect emulator I have ever seen.
Reesy,You rock!!! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese bring this same level of High performance and quality to the SNES emu's.

P.S. is there any setting I can use to make Comix Zone run without the in game glitches?

Thanks Again,
Great release Reesy, but I'm still having trouble loading Megaman Wilywars. All I
get is a black screen. :blink:
:-o ... The beta 6 has just released, hasn't it?
Thanks a lot to you reese
nixeon3x posted on Aug 12 2006 at 11:51 AM said:
Great release Reesy at but I'm still having trouble loading Megaman Wilywars. All I
get is a black screen. :blink:

Oh no!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
try another version of the rom. "Megaman - The Wily Wars (E) [f2]" works for me just fine.

thanks for the speedy update, reesy! MsPacman doesn't work with the 6button controller at all, so this update is deffinitely appreciated. I only know because I could never get it to work on my Nomad :P
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Someone requested MODE button support (its like SELECT). I don't really care.

Weird, MsPacman works on my Genesis 2 with 6 button pad.
Blah posted on Aug 12 2006 at 01:07 PM said:
Someone requested MODE button support (its like SELECT). I don't really care.

Weird, MsPacman works on my Genesis 2 with 6 button pad.
I've never seen Mode used in game, it's pretty much just to shut off 6-button mode for games that didn't support it.
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I think it has MODE button support, there is certainly an option to map the button.

Although you can't map it to SELECT because that's for the Menu, I don't know if I'll need it, but I mapped it to stick press.
jumpman posted on Aug 12 2006 at 03:02 PM said:
P.S. is there any setting I can use to make Comix Zone run without the in game glitches?

Try a different version of the rom, it runs perfectly for me. Mine is called "Comix Zone (4).zip" but I had another one which worked too (and a couple which had the glitches you mentioned).
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Thanks BobBorakovitz that really helped now I can play Megaman. Lets hope
that Sega CD emulation is the next big step this great emu. ;)
Great work Reesy
just tried it out haven't had any problems yet but i haven't tried all of the roms just yet :)

Keep up the good work
nixeon3x posted on Aug 13 2006 at 03:32 PM said:
Thanks BobBorakovitz that really helped now I can play Megaman. Lets hope
that Sega CD emulation is the next big step this great emu. ;)

Emulating another 12 Mhz 68000 (the existing one is 7.67 MHz) plus a lot of specialized hardware, and then also handling audio playback, in addition to the already-stressful tile rendering work is probably a bit too much to expect from the GP2X's CPU, unfortunately. Maybe if the 940T were in on the act, but I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you.
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