Dual Screen Key Chain

looks like you are the only one ;) .. regarding the batch... bit dissappointed that Mario was going to come later :(
sort of moves slightly. Ill explain so you can try it. Put the top screen up to what ever position you want and push it a bit gently of course from behind. DOes it move slightly? Also the slamming shut thing annoyed me as i could of smashed the screen by accident but thank god didnt.

EDIT: if you try this thank you for answering my questions.
It has two extremes, the 'slamming shut' postion (ie closed) and the full open where it 'locks' open. Everywhere else on free movement.

= is closed
_\ or _| is on free movement
_/ locked open
_ _ is 'gone too far'

In short, open it till you feel it 'locking' .
Sam Fisher, I have the same problem as you, the screen is wobbly like you describe. I can't exchange cuz the store have no more. Two of my friends have a DS, and they don't have the wobble problem. I don't really think it will hurt anything, but exchange it if you can.
sort of moves slightly. Ill explain so you can try it. Put the top screen up to what ever position you want and push it a bit gently of course from behind. DOes it move slightly? Also the slamming shut thing annoyed me as i could of smashed the screen by accident but thank god didnt.

EDIT: if you try this thank you for answering my questions.

it happens in all flip mobile phones as well, its not broken.
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ok. thank you for al the help. Just watched the metroid movie for getting in the scroreboards and stuff. Pretty good. Should of made it so you had to come 1st or second in the scorboards. Would of taken me probably half an hour longer then. Just got to wait till christmas to get a game. Which game should i get?
i know, instead of the good ones, like about gta and halo 2, we get the ones about wobbly screens and cartrages that have been placed upside down flooding the forum :angry:
wheres my torch and pitch fork